Straight men are stupid because they like to touch themselves in public, smell, and are hairy and usually unkept.
Unless youre metero, because then you're just a wanna be Homo.
Unless you are from Europe, because then you're just european.
Gay men suck because most suffer from vainty (I admit it, I like my mirrors.) or low self esteem. Have the m ind set of a girl, so they think more deeply about things than straight men do. Like a girl, a gay man will say he doesn't have feelings for you, when you know deep down inside he does. Whereas a straight man, since they are simple as fuck, if they say they dont like you. They dont.
You see, men and women are like waffles and spaghetti, respectively. Men, like waffles, have segments. Compartments if you will, and tackle problems one at a time, much like those little segments in a waffle.
Women however, are like spaghetti, They're mind weaves one thing into another, and another, and another. Like spaghetti, try and follow a noodle, you'll get lost, and you'll find yourself following another noodle, and another, and another. Thus everything is interconnected.
Im gay, i give good advice.
...except to myself. Hahaha...