Thinking about applying as a MAC freelancer.

Life In Return

Well-known member
There's an MA at one of the MAC stores I frequent who is always trying to talk me into applying to be a freelancer. I went there today and she again told me I need to apply. I told her I had no portfolio or formal training and she said neither did she. She told me she thought I'd do well, and even gave me some tips

I told her there were a few things I didn't know how to do, and she recommended buying a Kevyn Aucoin book and taking a training class that was 90 minutes for $90. I think it's well worth the investment.

So, to you MAC MAs... any advice ?


Well-known member
What are the things you feel you "can't do?" I would recommend buying KA's books if you can, I LOVE them! I dunno about the one on one "class" for $90 though...

I didn't have any formal training and just did a portfolio of makeup on friends and family and I got hired at MAC for a 24 hr a week position with the permanent staff...

Life In Return

Well-known member
My only problem is blush. I JUST bought my first blush (Gingerly) about 2 weeks ago. I went by there yesterday for more info on the classes. It's a lesson class, $90 for $90 minutes, but when I went there yesterday, they thought I was already an MA, so she said that I didn't need the lesson class. She suggested I just get an application ($40) and watch closely because I already knew how to apply makeup.

The thing w/the classes, you get free mascara and 20% off your purchases


Well-known member
I would say if you want to, then go for it... But IMO if you just want blush placement advice, you can research it on the net and look at FOTDs from Artists for "real" placement ideas.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by MACGoddess
I would say if you want to, then go for it... But IMO if you just want blush placement advice, you can research it on the net and look at FOTDs from Artists for "real" placement ideas.

Yeah, I agree. :p

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