Thinking You DONT Understand (rant)


Well-known member
Why the hell do people have to say things that are mean/crude/disgusting in another language thinking you don't understand?!

It's always rude to say something about someone behind their back, even if they're a stranger and it's in a different language.

I mean, I understand how people just talk in whatever langauge is most comfortable for them. But what gives people the right to say horrible things in front of people who don't understand?!

Why this rant?:::
I'm at language class (I take one in Norwegian near where I live) and most of the other students are Chinese and Iraqi. I'm really quick to learn languages, like I can memorize 25 words per day, so when the teacher asks for us to check each other's answers on assaignments I've always made straight perfects.

These stupid boys behind me say (in Arabic) that I'm screwing the teacher, and that's how I get such good marks (btw, if you make low marks you have to stay after class or you can't pass). They keep saying it over and over again, calling me a whore, a tease, etc.. so I end up just leaving class, borderline crying. It went on for almost an hour and I just wanted to leave.

I don't understand... why do people have to do that?! Just because you're bilingual does NOT mean you can be so arrogant with your words. I feel pissed off right now because my mother got a call from the school that I skipped class on Saturday. I really don't want to go back there if it's going to happen again.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by MisStarrlight
You should learn Arabic & tell them to eff off.

I speak Arabic as a first language, I grew up in Manama, Bahrain.

They were just really intimidating, like three of them sitting behind me... and then just me alone, sitting beside and behind Chinese students who I didn't expect to understant.


Well-known member
i think its ignorant for them to talk about you either way. and if you can speak the language they do, then curse them out the next time and give them a big shock.


Well-known member
Would it be childish to speak to the teacher about it? This type of thing should not be allowed to happen.


Well-known member
Definitely next time, turn around and just say something like "OH, IS THAT SO?" in perfect Arabic. Then see how brave they are once they know the person they're insulting understands every damn word they say.


Well-known member
How rude and tacky!

Is there any way you could switch seats and go across the room or something?


Well-known member
I am sorry they made you feel so horrible, they have no right to say such things, they sound like ill behaved little boys to me. My suggestion would be to stand up for yourself and tell them how rude they are being in Arabic. I have had similar things happen to me when I am visiting my father's country of origin, and it always stops them dead in their tracks. I find it is worth it just to see their jaws hit the floor.

Definitely go back to that class, or sign up for a similar one if it makes you too uncomfortable. They shouldn't be able to deprive you of an education. I hope you feel better soon.


Well-known member
They get shitty grades, you excel and make really good ones, ergo, (in their opinion) you OBVIOUSLY must be cheating because if not they OBVIOUSLY should get good grades too.

I know that saying that they are probably just jealous isn't going to make you feel any better at all, but that is the case. If you were to turn around and bust them, they'd just find other mean things to do. They are assholes.

You are smart, you learn quick, you actually TRY unlike others, and so they have no right to say such things about you.

Do they talk loud? You could just say to the teacher that they are really distracting, and ask if he could just tell them in class to be quiet? That way you wouldn't have to feel like a snitch, and you wouldn't have to hear them talk badly about you

I hope everything works out


Well-known member
there is great advise offered on this thread i would have to agree with all of them, i am so sorry that you have to be subjected to this and you most definetely do not deserve it. do not let these idiotic boys get the better of you!!!

me personally i would discuss the issue with the family and bring it to the schools attention and have the matter resolved.

seeing that it is aledged that you are "having sex with the teacher" i am sure that the school would be interested as i believe that it is against school policy for a teacher to be having a sexual relationship with students.

best of luck !
please let us know what the out come is


Well-known member
Oh man, I hate it when people talk shit in other languages thinking you can't understand. It's very cowardly. If you're going to say something mean, then you'd better have the guts to back it up. Haha, maybe you should tell them that you can beat them at a test in Arabic as well.


Well-known member
So yesterday (Monday) I addressed the teacher about the problem and he told me to toughen up, that they meant nothing by it. Ugh... then it gets even worse.

During our first break, after they had made some rude remarks, I told them to please stop talking, that it's really annoying. And one of them threatened me physically. I ended up calling our driver and asking if he could walk me home from class. Which he did.

I called the regional office that hosts the courses and quit yesterday, telling them what happened. They were not suprised and said it was not their problem. Ugh. I'm dropping the stupid matter and am getting ready for Uni.

(sorry if this sounds whiny/cranky, I just got up)


Well-known member
If you speak Arabic, you should gather the courage and seriously tell them off. That will shut them up for sure.


Well-known member
Once my Mum's Italian friend got on a bus and a group of Italian girls were going on about what a fat whore she was, she was too embarassed to say anything...
Sounds like they were on some kind of power trip that they could insult you supposedly without you knowing. I'd just think of something witty and cutting to say back in Arabic, that'll give them a shock!


Well-known member
I had some guys making fun of me once. I found out about it and went right up to their faces and said, "You may not like me, but you have got to work right with me. Keep you sick dirty jokes in your head please." From then on, they were actually wanting to be friends with me and the last day I worked with one of them, "He admitted that he had a crush on me." Strange.

Attack the dragon head on and bite it's head off. They will not say anything more too you. They may even have a crush on you too.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by SparklingWaves
They may even have a crush on you too.

Yikes, that would definitely be the worst case scenario, IMO. If that's how they talk about someone they like... Ugh.


Well-known member
Ooh, I get this sometimes, too. I really really hate when they say rude or sexual remarks thinking you don't understand anything. I usually deal with it by letting on that I can understand what they're saying-- anything from rolling eyes to politely requesting they stop (in the other language) to pointedly making a phone call and not speaking English. Sounds like these guys were much more aggressive than your typical assholes, though. They're probably trying to make themselves look better in front of each other-- and unfortunately, they're probably reenforcing this sort of crap in each other, making it that much more difficult to make them behave civilly.

Maybe look into another language class? Like see if there's one offered by a female instructor or with more female students?

Beauty Mark

Well-known member
That's really shitty of the school to handle the matter like that. Did you yourself call or did your parents call? I hate to have people rely on their parents when they're grown, but I think sometimes parents make a HUGE different when dealing with people who clearly don't respect you.

The fact you were physically threatened and no one did anything to help really bothers me. Sexual harassment is bad enough, but wtf on an actual physical threat? I know you're busy with uni and getting ready for that, but I would really exhaust all resources on this matter. Not because you're going back to this language school, but in case other women face similar situations and someone does attack them.


Well-known member
turn around and say "fuck you, assholes" in arabic. srsly. that'll teach them.

and if they're threatening you, call the police station and make a report. there's no reason you should have to be putting up with that shit. it's ridiculous and you don't deserve it at all.