Thinning Hair?


New member
For the last few months my usually lush thick hair has became very thin and limp
When I shower I especially notice how bad it is coming out. I have tried vitamins and Nioxin but neither have helped at all. I am at the point of just going to a doctor and getting it checked but thought I would see if anyone had any other suggestions first


New member
No,diet changes,no medications but I have had weight gain like i have never had before. I am thinking baout having my tyroid chcecked.


Well-known member
Have you been to a new hairdresser or had a different haircut, or if you're styling it differently with different products that can definitely make a difference.

Beauty Mark

Well-known member
If you're experiencing an unusual weight gain, please go to the doctor's. It sounds like there's something else up.

Stress can cause people to lose hair, too.


Well-known member
If you've dyed your hair recently it could just be breakage.

Don't forget that changes in weather can make your hair seem more limp (like with humidity).


New member
I have experienced weight gain and its like I cannot lose it no matter how I try but I have been under ALOT of stress and my nerves have been shot
I don't know if its the weather because I have noticed this since December
I haven't done naything new my hair as far as color or styling. I was hoping to find a product that might help. The vitamins haven't helped my hair but nails have grown like crazy!


Well-known member
i was going through something similar a few months ago. i lost so much hair because i gained a ton of weight (25 pounds!) and was so stressed. my hairdresser recommended nioxin, which helped a little, but i noticed the best thing was changing my diet. i stopped drinking soda and anything with caffeine, and started eating healthy helpings of fruits and vegetables. you might also want to try taking a multi-vitamin like centrum complete or women's one a days. that helped a lot! cutting back on styling products also helps. i also recommend using this vitamin detangler from unite (a european brand) called "7 seconds". hope some of this helps!


New member
Yea I hate to say it but i have NO veggies or fruits in my diet at all. Unless you count fries,which I don't
I think I have been relying on food as my "escape" during this time and it is now not only effecting my waistline but my hair too. I called today for a blood test to check my tyroid as well,thanks for all the suggestions!