I don't see why it's a big deal, actually. I've ordered palettes over the phone & she was telling me I should just get the refills instead of depotting & they've never once asked if I have any kind of membership in something.
I mean, it's just makeup....is there something I'm missing, or some valuable thing that should only be available to Platinum Card holders or something? I'm just wondering. All the stuff is generally re-sold on ebay by people anyway, and it's a shame that the buyers are having to pay markup to people who can get things & turn around with a $12 item & sell it for $25 or something like that. Maybe MAC finds that distasteful.
Other than the palettes, I haven't seen much that interests me over & above the regular website. I spend enough there, I don't need more! *lol* Well, unless I decide for some reason I need to invest in an airbrush machine!