This has probably been answered but I'm lazy


Well-known member
So, I found out that I may be able to work off-campus (I'm an international student), and I would LOVE to be able to do that... even better would be working at MAC! (Duh, right? lol) Well, I guess what I was wondering was, when I go in there to pick up some stuff, should I just ask for an application or what? There are a couple of girls at the MAC I go to that recognize me every time, because they were shocked that I knew so much about colour stories and release dates, etc. (thank you Specktra!), and they've encouraged me to apply when I can finally work here.

So I guess I'm asking-- should I do it? I mean, I don't have a portfolio, but it wouldn't be *that* hard to build one; I've got 2 built-in models (my MIL and SIL), so I could have that done in no time. Help! Encourage me... lol


Well-known member
I think you're going to need a work permit to work in the US (I, of course, am assuming you're going to school in the US!) doesn't hurt to ask for an application anyway, just in case...

Edited to add:
Ok..I noticed that you are in BC...I officially have no clue as to your work GO FOR IT!!!


Go for it, what have you got to lose? My friend and I were just hired as Freelance/On Call, which is great since we both have day jobs. We will work at the stores when they are short handed and do the events. My friend has some retail experience but not in makeup. I don't even have that. However, we have done some makeup in the opera chorus where we sing (Annapolis, MD), she has done weddings, and they knew us well as long time customers. We inquired, so they brought us in for the interview (bring a model and do her makeup as they tell you, such as a conservative professional look and an evening look), then a verbal interview (why did you choose MAC instead of another, how will you make your sales goals, etc.) We wore all black - head to toe - the MAC uniform - and it is to be crisp and chic, in other words, not black faded denim. She also said no tanks, thin straps, halters - they should be cap sleeves or more. Our first day is on May 20th!!!

So, my point is that no, you do not have a portfolio and loads of experience. You should definitely give it a try! You do need an SSN and a permit to work in the US, as stated above.

Good luck -
Carol from Baltimore


Well-known member
A portfolio is not needed to apply to MAC. I actually haven't seen anyone be asked to present one yet. Like I've mentioned before, dress the part and ask for the manager when you go to drop your resume/pick up an application.


Active member
I believe you can hand in a job application & resume to MAC, but once you get your job offer (from MAC or for that matter, any other employer in Canada) you will need a work permit from immigration in order for you to work legally.

Just look on the immigration website or call any immigration help/info desk for further info.

Good luck !

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