this is a longshot, but...


Well-known member
...i know there are a few computer savvy individuals here that may (hopefully) be able to help me out with this. i have an hp laptop and it forgot my administrator password. i tried using my password and it says it's the wrong one. i only use two different passwords for all of my accounts, and i even tried the other luck. is there any way for me to get into my computer without reinstalling windows and losing all my stuff?


Well-known member
sometimes this happens on my hp laptop too. something that happens to me alot is some of my keys stop working, so when you type in your password make sure its typing every single letter . Other than that , I dunno!


Well-known member
you can try this:
warning: if you use windows encryption, you'll lose the encrypted files, since the encryption is based on the password
easiest thing to do is use this to wipe the password, not set a new one. then, when you boot up your comp normally, you can get into your account without a password and set a new one through windows-- there's less chance of messing something up this way.

you could try reinstalling windows without necessarily losing your files (I've done this with XP), if you're careful not to reformat, but that takes longer


Well-known member
If you get back into your account, I'd suggest backing up everything on disk that you don't want to lose and keep updating that every few months or so, that way if it does happen again and you end up having to reinstall windows then you won't have lost anything.