This is F'in Sick - School: Boy put bodily fluid in Salad Dressing


Well-known member
oh god!! thats gross!!Id be barfing right now if i went to that school.. and happened to eat that ranch dressing that day.. discusting young men.. honestly.


Well-known member

thankfully the risk of contracting a disease is fairly low....

But still, the nastiness factor... omg BLEH!


Well-known member
Perhaps pump top bottles with tamperproof seals or which require a special tool to open them would be the best bet.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by caffn8me
Perhaps pump top bottles with tamperproof seals or which require a special tool to open them would be the best bet.

depending on the district and budget, those would be very expensive. it's cheaper for a school to order a bunch of those little bottles and bulk jars of condiments and just wash and refill them.

but just the thought that someone would do that, i'm disgusted, i almost puked reading the story.


Well-known member
Sorry MAC Pixie

Yeah I don't think i will ever be able to eat ranch again.

People are F'in repulsive


Well-known member
That is unspeakable. I think they should publicly humiliate him. Put him on national television, on the web and in print showing his face so people can know he is a sicko.


Well-known member
Yeah, wow, that is nasty. Hardly surprising, though. I knew boys at school would do that (or at least claim to). They'd also claim to have wanked into a lotion bottle, let the rumor circulate, and then at the end of the day dump the bottle out onto a girl's head so she'd think they just covered her in wank.

Nice, huh? Boys suck.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by jenii
Yeah, wow, that is nasty. Hardly surprising, though. I knew boys at school would do that (or at least claim to). They'd also claim to have wanked into a lotion bottle, let the rumor circulate, and then at the end of the day dump the bottle out onto a girl's head so she'd think they just covered her in wank.

Nice, huh? Boys suck.

omg... if anyone ever covered me in anything, wank or not there would be some serious drama lol...