This is getting OLD.


Well-known member
This morning, I found an inch long hair growing out of my FOREHEAD.

I was not happy. Random hairs in random places is a new thing for me.

Forehead hair is the newest in an ever increasing list of physical clues that I may, in fact, be aging.
*I now think about things before doing them. Jumping off the roof? Um. That might hurt.
*If I don't get 8 hours of sleep I'll kill you. That may be though, that I don't have a reason NOT to get the sleep and have conditioned myself otherwise. I'm not sure.
*I've worn glasses since the sixth grade. I'm not getting any less blind.
*Grey hair? Dunno, and I'm not about to find out.
*Metabolic changes? Three kids and close to thirty, DEFINITELY.

I'm active enough that I don't have a problem with rapid recovery from activity. I generally don't get injured, so I'm okay so far there.

The most notable clue that brought about the realization that I'm getting old is my level of preparedness. At one point in time I thought nothing of putting gas in the truck, throwing a change of clothes in my backpack and just going.
Now, when I "go" anywhere (which is usually to my mom's house so it's a two hour drive to the backwoods hillbilly country of north Texas) it involves dressing the kids, taking contact solution, making sure we have snacks/drinks in the ice chest, comfortable clothes to make the drive back in, extra shoes in case we go check the land, bandaids, batteries, phones and chargers. The list goes on.
The one backpack has morphed into an ice chest and two full to the brim duffel bags. No longer am I able to just "go". Now, I "pack".

Focus: How is your advancing age treating you? What physical or mental changes have you noticed as you’ve gotten older? Any positives about aging?


Well-known member
Hehe... this made me LOL... You sound like my Mom Shimmer! LOL!

I dont feel like I'm aging other the the actual reminder of HAPPY 25th birthday last month. I still get mothered when I'm around family, and from the women I work with at work. Even though I have been paying my own way for 17 years, and do the exact same job.

I just dont feel like an adult in many ways. I mean i do adult things, pay bills, go shopping, go to work, etc. But when I look in the mirror I dont see an adult yet. I was always really young looking though. Even at 25, I get early 20's when people guess my age. And when I say no, they guess lower, instead of higher.

Things like having kids and a family, getting married? While I think about them, they still feel YEARS away for me.


Well-known member
Considering I'vebeen a mom for ten years, that's not surprising


Well-known member
Last year, I found some gray hair...
At the time, I had blond and brown hair coloration, so I thought it was a blond hair, but I told myself : wait a minute... the blond ones cant be comming out of my head.... NOO!!!! ITS A GRAY HAIR!!!

So, thats when I started going back to the hairdresser and ever since, Im brown/black. I keep finding more...

I also noticed some mini mini wrinkles around my mouth, but thats from 5-6 months ago when I was smoking pot once or twice per week, that didnt helped. Quitted anyway.

I'm 26 by the way.

I had a goal, from when I was young, to lose the extra pounds, and the limit was my 25th birtday... oops! :crap:

My ''arm fat'' you know, on the triceps, is getting waaayyy to lose for me lollll Its shaking! Age doesnt help, but no exercises too. I'm eating better, thats one good point. Now, I need to work out more on my body.


Well-known member
I've had grey hair since I was 18, so that's no longer a surprise. Fortunately it's coming through as bright pure silver, so the moment it stops being salt-and-pepper regrowth and becomes even all-over growth I'm putting down the black dye and letting it go.

The twenty-something weight spread was a horrible shock.


Well-known member
the weight spread.
I try not to dwell on such things.
Someone on another site mentioned greying pubes.



Well-known member
Originally Posted by Shimmer
This morning, I found an inch long hair growing out of my FOREHEAD.

Have you considered trying laser? Laser assisted forehead removal is permanent


Well-known member
As someone who is even more ancient than Shimmer I have noticed a few signs of ageing. I'm putting on weight at the moment but I actually suspect that's down to a thyroid problem rather than age. I'm going to the vampire tomorrow to have some blood sucked out for the pathology lab to examine.

I've got a few more lines on my forehead and I think I've got arthritis in one (just one!) of my finger joints.


Well-known member
Just ONE?
I have to ask how you managed that.

I've discovered that, in my 'advanced years', I have to convince myself to make a jump on a wall these days. Some of the holds require swinging out by one arm or something similar and yeah, it always takes me at least two minutes to convince my hand and feet to LET GO!

Back when I was younger I did dumb shit all the time and never thought twice.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Shimmer
the weight spread.
I try not to dwell on such things.
Someone on another site mentioned greying pubes.



thats like the one spot i figured would never go grey LOL... Nother reason to keep it shaved 100% LOL


Well-known member
Originally Posted by lara

The twenty-something weight spread was a horrible shock.


Ahh... yes.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by lara
The twenty-something weight spread was a horrible shock.

*Gasp!* There is a weight spread? Oh god, thanks for the headup.. :crap:


Well-known member
Hehehe, enjoy your youthfulness! I used to obsess over it, too, and now that my vision's going, I'm starting to look pretty hawt again!

Shimmer, I feel your pain, I had a hair like that on one of my cheeks, and another on my back, right on the spine! I kept yanking them out, and they just gave up.

Other signs of aging? People under thirty look like foetii, and people under 20 are far too loud.... When did I turn into a crotchety old lady?! Yet, I'm still the same fashion obsessed girl I was, and have been, all my life. Thank God that doesn't go away with age.

Viva les fossils!

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