this is pretty siq


Well-known member
so i guess i'm just lucky these past few weeks.

my 18th birthday is on Wednesday and i want a tattoo on my wrist of Marilyn Monroe. well, there's this AMAZING artist in Mo Val i wanted it done by, but he's booked for the next 6 months...which is far too long for me to wait. but i called him today anyway, just to ask him a couple questions and i mention this Marilyn piece to him. you know what he says "fuck it, how big is it gonna be? i've always wanted to do a Marilyn piece, come in today and i'll hook it up" and i told him i was looking at Wednesday cause i won't be 18 until then so he's like "it's all good, i got stuff at 12 and 6, but you know what? the chicks coming in at 12 are just getting some little flowers done, so i'll do yours between them and my boy at 6"

how lucky is that? seriously..


that's gonna be the tattoo, only the actual thing will have a shaded banner under it that says "no matter what they say.." so it should be pretty epic. her hair was a bitch to colour in Photoshop though hahaha.

who else here has tattoos? what was your experience like? show me some pictures?


Well-known member
thats serious luck right there - im a big fan of tattoos...this will turn out cool for sure, good luck and don't be afraid!


Well-known member
That's going to be AWESOME! You HAVE to post pics when it's done! If I got a portrait, it would probably be of Ani Difranco...


Well-known member
Gorgeous! It's always great when you land the artist you've been wanting; it makes you feel so much more confident about your ink.

I used to sideline my illustration business by drawing up flash for people, or selling designs to ink shops. Great business - I never made a huge amount of money from it, but I really loved it when people would send me polaroids of their work. It was immensely gratifying and rewarding to see my artwork in someone's skin.

My partner is craving ink again, so I'm doodling some cover-up work to turn his upper arms into sleeves. He also wants a big salty anchor on his forearm.
I don't have any tattoos myself, but I've been seriously thinking about getting a port star on my left forearm (obviously...). They're a bit old-hat now that all the emo kids have adopted them, but to me it's a symbol of my life-long affair with the ocean and the series of events that led me to finding the love of my life (we met on an old square-rigged sailing ship). Sailors back in the 18th and 19th century used to tattoo red stars on their left arms to remind themselves which side of the ship was which, and the port star became a symbol that meant that they could always find safe waters and be homeward bound.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by lara
Gorgeous! It's always great when you land the artist you've been wanting; it makes you feel so much more confident about your ink.

I used to sideline my illustration business by drawing up flash for people, or selling designs to ink shops. Great business - I never made a huge amount of money from it, but I really loved it when people would send me polaroids of their work. It was immensely gratifying and rewarding to see my artwork in someone's skin.

My partner is craving ink again, so I'm doodling some cover-up work to turn his upper arms into sleeves. He also wants a big salty anchor on his forearm.
I don't have any tattoos myself, but I've been seriously thinking about getting a port star on my left forearm (obviously...). They're a bit old-hat now that all the emo kids have adopted them, but to me it's a symbol of my life-long affair with the ocean and the series of events that led me to finding the love of my life (we met on an old square-rigged sailing ship). Sailors back in the 18th and 19th century used to tattoo red stars on their left arms to remind themselves which side of the ship was which, and the port star became a symbol that meant that they could always find safe waters and be homeward bound.

most triumphant, Lara. i like tattoos with meaning. my Monroe portrait has got some serious meaning to me, along with the quote. i'm HUGE on tattoos having meaning..especially such a profound meaning as your port star will have

i plan on getting a Freddy Kreuger sleeve done, and the artist i want it done by (famous for his horror work) works at the same shop as the dude doing my Marilyn piece, so i'm pretty stoked that i'll get to meet him before i have to spend like 40 hours with him hah. one of the guys at that same shop will probably do my chest piece too, so i'm way stoked that i get to meet all these artists now

eeee i'm excited! definately, i'll have pictures the minute it's done


Well-known member
That is going to be one cool tat. I'm bursting to see it.

I'm too much of a wuss myself but I love them on other people.
I would love a sun around my belly button, but it's a tad large to flaunt *eeep*


Well-known member
tomorrow is the day! it's going to be one 2 hour session and cost me 200$
i'll definately have pics once it's all healed! i'm so excited!

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