This is sad.


Well-known member
- I don't like when my friend criticizes people with makeups on. It hurts my feeling a lot because i love wearing makeup, I think it's art. When she said "jeez, that girl is having too much makeup on, it's so fake".... in this case, i don't know she's jealous or she's trying to tell me "stop wearing makeup, you're freaking me out!".

- What do i think about her? She's a good friend, she works hard and have a lot of money but she doesn't know how use them wisely. She spent it on her (gold digger) boyfriend and a bunch of fat foods. She don't even care about her skin at all. I tried to make her wear makeup and she keep on criticizing. I don't get it.... If she doesn't like to wear makeup, that's fine with me.... but please, i don't want her to criticize me because i love what i'm doing. =[


Well-known member
why don't you let her know how her comments are affecting you? If she is truly your friend she wouldn't want to hurt you. Just let her know how it makes you feel because you should be able to talk to each other of what bothers you.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by nunu
why don't you let her know how her comments are affecting you? If she is truly your friend she wouldn't want to hurt you. Just let her know how it makes you feel because you should be able to talk to each other of what bothers you.

I won't because i know i will not win the debate. She's a talkative type of person. She likes to argue over every single little stuffs. I don't hang out with her a lot like we used to because i think she's a mean girl. She keeps on saying negative stuffs about people.


Well-known member
if she is inconsiderate and mean towards you then why do you want to be her friend? you will only be hurting and you don't deserve that. You need people who accept you for who you are, not try and control you. You shouldn't feel bad about wearing make up because it is who you are, if she doesn't like it then she has to accept and acknowledge the fact that you do.


Well-known member
I used to have a friend like this too she used to talk about everybody and one of our other friends too feels weird to have people like that around you.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by nunu
if she is inconsiderate and mean towards you then why do you want to be her friend? you will only be hurting and you don't deserve that. You need people who accept you for who you are, not try and control you. You shouldn't feel bad about wearing make up because it is who you are, if she doesn't like it then she has to accept and acknowledge the fact that you do.

Thanks for your advises... you're a beautiful person. I love your turtorial =]


Well-known member
I think she's one of those "friends." The ones who act like they are your friend, but make subtle back-handed comments that seems like they're being nice and then you don't get why you feel bad or down on yourself.

I say lose this girl asap! It's a real confidence killer and no one needs a "friend." like that.


Well-known member
Hi sweetie.

I don't want to sound intolerant and please don’t feel offended but your "friend" seems the kind of person that generally spends too much time criticizing what others look like. Do you know why? It’s because she has a veeeery boring life and low self-esteem so she think it feels better when all the people around her are unhappy. That’s why you’re here sharing with us, because somehow you let such ignorant words hurt you.
Forget her negative comments, don’t absorb that!

Do you like wearing makeup? That’s all that matters and your true friends will understand and support you!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by lazytolove
Thanks for your advises... you're a beautiful person. I love your turtorial =]

thank you darling, you are too sweet.

How are you feeling now?


Well-known member
maybe you should say casually "are you trying to tell me something?" & if she says yes then tell her how you feel. when it comes to your friendship, its just makeup! if she doesnt like it oh well. Your not living to please anyone but yourself & if you love makeup then you do what makes you happy. If you dont like her remarks, stand up for those who she THINKS are wearing too much makeup & tell her that when she says mean things, it makes YOU think she is talking about you. If she's a good friend she'll understand and stop talking so bad, if not then she's not the type of friend you should have or want to be around. At least in my opinion


Well-known member
I have friends that are totally into things that I am not, but I respect what they do. In fact, I admire what they do. It's interesting to learn about different things.

I would ask her, "When you say you don't like makeup on others, are you trying to tell me you don't like the way I wear mine?

No matter how she answers the question, it shouldn't change what you want to wear.

If she wants to hang out with females that don't wear any makeup, more power to her.

She sounds like she is threatened by women who adorn themselves with m/up. Also, in regard to her negativity, that can be depression and self-esteem issues. She is beating up on people with words and cutting others down to build herself up. She needs to work on herself.


Well-known member
Some people are just negative and angry. They like to bring others down. (Misery loving company) Avoid them.....


I wouldn't take it too seriously, no-one is perfect and we all make bitchy inconsiderate comments sometime without realising - I know I do.

Maybe she doesn't realise it upsets you because she sees beyond your makeup? In which case she can learn from you that people who dress up and look after themselves aren't necessarily shallow and fake.
...if that doesn't work, take her to the nearest MAC and get her a make over - maybe that will boost her self confidence and she wont feel the need to put others down!


Well-known member
I've noticed as people grow up they usually grow apart from their best friends. It sounds as if she is jealous and doesn't know how to ask for help. I agree that maybe you two should treat yourselves to a makeover. If after that she continues to rag on you about it I'd confront her. Maybe she'll be understanding and maybe she won't, but either way you'll have some closure to it. If she makes you feel bad I'd definately stand up for myself. Next time she criticizes you do it right back to her. You may have lost your best friend, but was she really worth all the strife she has caused you recently? Friends should lift you up and not pull you down.


Well-known member
surround yourself with people who positive, Possibly people you want to learn something from. Sounds like your friend is dissatisfied with life and no matter what you say or do she will remain that way until she decides she needs to change how she see's herself and how she treats those around her. I know it's not always easy to sever friendships but this time it's probably in you best intrest... at least for now.


Well-known member
Hey, i think how your friend is criticizing you is not fair. its not fair that you feel that you shouldnt even bother telling her how you feel because she will just tell you off or something. you should still tell her anyways and how her criticizing is unsightful and hurtful. some people dotn even realize that they criticize so much and dotn realize their words hurt people.

if she happens to be doing intentionally, shes no friend. its just sad that she has to put people down to validate herself.

i'll be your new makeup buddy


Well-known member
Ok, here's another story about us.

What's wrong with me being a private person? I been dating this guy for 8 months and i never told her that i had a boyfriend. First of all, not because i don't trust her, i just HATE her boyfriend... he always criticize other people and bring himself up. That's the reason why i don't want to tell her anything about my personal life, she will tell her bf anyway. Yesterday I broke up with my boyfriend =[ and i was so miserable because so many bad stuffs happened to me in just one day...and suddenly she calls me and for some reasons i expressed all my feeling with her.

First, i thought she will feel sorry for me and cheer me up. She actually mad at me and start to criticize me for not telling her that i dated someone for 8 months.

"Why do you have to hide?"
"So you think going out with someone is like having an affair?"
"Jeez, you such a cold blood at heart"

She made me feel more stressful and disappoint about myself. So i told her this "Ok anyway, i don't want to talk about it anymore. This is my personal stuffs, please don't talk to your boyfriend about it" and she was like "what's wrong with my boyfriend?". I said "I don't like when he criticize other people and bring himself up".

And here's how the fight happens, it just because i insult her boyfriend... she started her bitchly personality "you know what? sometimes you say this and that about other people but you never realize about yourself. We all make mistake. We do judge people" blah blah.... i just don't get her main point. I knew that she always try to tell people what to do and never realize about herself. And i also disappoint about the fact that she treat her boyfriend more important than her best friend. Whenever someone break her heart, the first person she ran to is me and keep saying "why am i so stupid, i'm so regret that i give him so much and he betrayed me". She's so blind in her current relationship, that guy is just using her. I can believe he let her pay for his stuffs while we're shopping at the mall. This guy have no shame.

She completely so selfish. All she thinks about is her relationship. Her bestfriend is so sad and she did not say a nice word just to cheer her friend up. I decided not to hang out with her anymore.

Beauty Mark

Well-known member
Although I have done that myself, I do think that's odd. However, you clearly do not trust her. I can't blame you for not wanting your business spread to her boyfriend; he isn't your best friend. If you can't trust your alleged best friend, why do you bother with her?

The people upthread gave excellent advice to you. You need to take it or else, you chose to make yourself a victim of this girl.


Well-known member
She's a good friend but sometimes i expect her to give me respect. Because i knew someday her bf will dump her and the first person she's going to call is "me".

Now she's with him, she doesn't call me often. She only keep track with me when she's single.


Well-known member
Hi honey, From all of your posts this girl seems to be a negative person that just puts you down. If you feel like you can't share things with her ( which is what you're supposed to be able to do with friends) she is not a good friend. In my opinion you would be better of distancing yourself. Put more effort into building up your other friendships.

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