Thoughts on nipple piercings


New member
What are the pros and cons to nipple piercings and guys ranging from 17-24 do you think nipple piercings are hot? My friend GR is trying to convince me to get my nipples pierced so i can be his twinsies haha jk but he has his nipple pierced and hes going to get another so what are your thoughts on both female and male nipple piercings?


Well-known member
Personally, I LOVE it but I know it's not for everyone but for me, hell yes! I've had mine done and want to get them redone but just haven't found the time.


Well-known member
Personally, I LOVE it but I know it's not for everyone but for me, hell yes! I've had mine done and want to get them redone but just haven't found the time.
Same here I had mine for quite a few years. I recently had to have them removed for a surgery. I'm looking into getting them replaced. It was abdominal but they still insisted I removed all piercings. I got them because I liked the way they looked. If you are going to get them done do it because you want to and just because you want to. In the end you are going to be the one that has to live with them.


Well-known member
I had both of mine pierced but removed them after about two years. My experience wasn't so great. During those two years, they were hypersensitive to touch and prone to random oozing and bleeding (gross, I know). They got irritated extremely easily and never did seem to "settle down" even well after they were healed. The right one felt like hell and the left one was starting to migrate so they came out earlier this year and I will not be getting them redone. I went to a great piercer I've known for years and trust very much so they weren't improperly done, plus I babied them and kept up with my aftercare. My body simply didn't want the piercings and fought having them the entire time. I've had nine piercings and these are the only ones I couldn't keep due to nonstop issues so just something to keep in mind.


Well-known member
i think it depends on the person like anything else some things look good on some people and not others. do they have fake ones you can try on?


New member
Not a big fan of it. My bud got one and almost got his nipple torn off, when someone tried to pull off his shirt. :s


I've had both of mine done several times over the last 20 years and they've never healed properly, they get overly sensitive and crusty, I'm not going to bother again, I'll stick to other piercings! Septum next! :D