Time for a Change.....


Active member
Ever feel like you are at the point of your life you are ready for a change? Well that day has come for me.I'm ready for a career change. I'm currently working for a big Health insurance Company and approaching my 10 year anniversary. I have been working at this company since I was 20 years old so do the math yes 30 now and married with 2 kids a 8 year old and a sixth month old. Yes this company has been great to me I mean I work from home its a life saver for me while i was pregnant and with the baby. But now its just i cant see myself doing this from home forever Been doing it long enough I'm ready for something Else. And no i have not worked all 10 years from home been working from home the last 3 years due to my company moving about 50miles away. Just I love make-up and Hair. Thought about going to cosmetology school. But i think of the money I keep hearing its not good money. I make good money now so last thing I want to do is take a big cut on my bank account. Then i thought about Make-up and thanks to this website its not really easy at all. Especially for Mac Keep hearing they want retail experience and get me thinking maybe i should work at other brands counters at Nordstrom for awhile and then be brave to go to MAC then i think Im 30 is it too late? Good lord I just really want to do something else My husband is all for what i want to do he is just afraid of the money situation and He don't want me to struggle. What you guys think whats the best move for me? I'm all for a little inspiration and a pick me up.I know im going to do something this new year 2009.


Well-known member
i'm not very experienced with the job thing, but why not keep your current job and try to get a bit of freelance makeup on the side? see how you like it and build a decision from there?


Well-known member
I say do not quit your day job, because if you own a house and your family and such the pay cut will be drastic. I agree w/ Chad about freelancing. If you can get on the MAC freelance team thats awesome because you will be able to do both jobs. You can work whenever hours are available, and when you are available and dont have to comprimise your income!

Hope this helps!