Tips for applying makeup on others...


Well-known member
I was approached by a MA from a counter complimenting me on my makeup and encouraging me to apply for a freelance position. I know alot about the product and am confident that I could sell the product, but I'd like to get a little more practice applying makeup to others before I apply for a position. What tips and tricks can you give me when it comes to application on a person other than yourself.


Well-known member
I'm not a professional MA at all, but I do know not to use your fingers when applying on another person.
I'd just recommend grabbing some friends and practicing on them. Ask for their feedback on your application. good luck!


Well-known member
I actually find it much easier to apply makeup on someone else than on myself. Just practice as much as you can on other people...good luck!


Well-known member
take pics when you practice, then compare how it looks on them to how you'd want it to look on yourself...not that everyone has the same shape/features, but you have a comparison, you can make changes based on what you want the outcome to look like.
get as much practice as possible, and you'll learn what works and what doesn't