Tips for choosing the right shades?


New member
I was just wondering how you go about picking colours that suit you.
Do you have rules that you go by or is it trial and error?

I know I'm cool toned. My skin is very pale and I have hazel eyes and I find choosing colours for any makeup item difficult. I tend to stick to greys, browns and purples for my eyeshadow colour but I want to be a bit more adventurous. I find it impossible to find lip colour that works for me too.

So, what are your tips for finding the perfect colour?


Well-known member
Well start off with colors that you like. What colors of clothing do you wear? This can be a good indictation of colors that flatter your skin tone. You can also go to a department store counter in the cosmetics section, all of those people are trained to be able to help you find the shades that you would like and that flatter your skin tone. If you really aren't sure of what you want, you can never go wrong with neutrals!