To depot or not?


Well-known member
What do you think of depotting your eyeshadows? I prefer mine in the cases/boxes they came in but I was thinking of gettin a pallette but i cant bring myself to depot them as I love them in the orignial boxes. i was just wondering what u thought?


Well-known member
i used to just leave my e/s in their pots & boxes but travelling back & forth (hawaii to new york) with my piggies & msf's in tow, i had to start depotting them. i don't really use all of them when i travel but i just can't leave them behind. my mu's like my comfort blanket! forget the clothes, i just buy them wherever i go. but the mu's need to stay w/ me. so for convenience, yes, i depot my e/s and leave everything else w/ their boxes and just take them w/ me that way!


Well-known member
when they're depotted and pan form its a more flexible option so u can just grab one pallette and go. i wouldnt depot le e's thou


Well-known member
I love my palettes! It's just so much easier to transport them and I can open them up and see all the colors right away. I always screw them up depotting though, I usually lose a decent chunk.. I'm not patient enough I guess. Usually I try to buy the palette fills anyway though.


Well-known member
i have 36 eyeshadows and i always think
hmmm maybe i should depot
id get loadsa lippies
but when im out i like to touch up my eyeshadow
and id hate to have to take a whole palette out
also id be scared of dropping a palette and smashing my es's


Well-known member
you get much more use out of your depotted e/s IMHO as their all together and you can easily see what goes and tend to notice colours you wouldn't normally look for more. I was way hestitant about depotting and now ive done it i dont regret it at all, i love my palettes! (all 11 of them)


Well-known member
once you get to a certain number of e/s, searching through your traincase/makeup bag for a certain color can start to get a little time consuming.. i much rather prefer my e/s in palettes! that way, i can see the entire color schemes all at once, and i can add to a look with the colors readily available. if you're going to be out and want to touch up your makeup later, add the 4 most dominate e/s in the look in a 4-pan palette, you definitely don't want to risk carrying that 15-pan around.

as far as depotting, the hair iron/straighter is by far the easiest method, imo. i've never once chipped or damanged an eyeshadow in any way. no crazy tools needed, no open flame. it's easy and quick from start to finish. i HIGHLY recommend that method!



Well-known member
I wouldn't depot them any of mine as I'm too scared of ruining them! I would buy the pro pan form through, less risky and I like a miture of both.


Well-known member
Ive only got about 10 eyeshadows. But so far they are all in there boxes. I keep all the boxes from anything I buy from MAC. Im terrible at hoarding


Well-known member
I depotted all my eyeshadows, although they didn't all make it through unscathed none of them shattered so I now have four full 15 pans!!

Chic 2k6

Well-known member
hey lol, ive depotted all of my e/s and filled up my palette. It is very very easy to depot them if you;ve got the patience, only takes about 4 mins per e/s to depot and if you dont wanna lug around a 15 pan palette, buy an empty 4 pan palette so you can add in your colour choices for the day and take it with you to do touch ups.

you can get a free lippie for every 6 e/s pots you hand in


Well-known member
for professional use i think pallettes are alot better beacuse when you travel they take up alot less room and are more safe in a pallette then by themselfs plus it looks alot more professional

for me i mostly do it for storage i simply dont have enough room to keep all the containers and i think they look better in the pallette plus the fact that i get free lipstick

the only stuff i dont depot is my limited speacial packageing stuff.


Well-known member
Having depotted eye shadows in palettes gives you a lot more options and is more versatile as opposed to having the single pots. I know you run the risk of dropping a palette and smashing the shadows or losing a bit during depotting but if your careful (which you always should be with your make-up!) then i'm sure you'll be fine.

When it comes to travelling or taking my shadows out with me, I keep a couple of empty 4 pan palettes on stand by to swap around so if I know what colours i'm going to want to touch up with, i'll just slot them into a 4 pan palette so it's nice, small and compact! It's so much easier than taking the induvidual pots!


Well-known member
I've depotted 6- 15 palettes. Thats 90 shadows and they are so easy to organize now! I have about 20 eyeshadows at the moment waiting to be depotted.


Well-known member
I've just started depotting... but omigod its so much better!

I agree with the being able to see different looks thing... I looked at all mine the other day and tried a couple of new things I wouldn't have thought of before!

I only have 18 e/s, but i'm working on more... I have a 15 pan with 1 space and a quad with no spaces.

The plan is to eventually have 3 pallettes... 1 for neutrals, 1 for purples and 1 for greens. (they are the only colours I really wear).

I'm doing a blush pallette too, cos my organiser can't take more than one blush but I have a drawer for my pallettes.


Well-known member
once they are depotted can you swap them around in your palettes or are they fixed permanantly into them? I'ce heard things said about magnets etc. are the paleetes magnetic or do you need to buy magents to fix them in. I really am clueless when it comes to pallettes.

Also is it possible to get pallettes and pan e/s anywhere else other than the stand alone stores. I am up in scotland so can only get to the glasgow, edinburgh and metro centre counters. I have no access to pro stores or free standing stores. If i want pallettes and pan eye shadows do i need to mail order from the pro store? and what number is that?

Chic 2k6

Well-known member
once they are depotted can you swap them around in your palettes or are they fixed permanantly into them? I'ce heard things said about magnets etc. are the paleetes magnetic or do you need to buy magents to fix them in. I really am clueless when it comes to pallettes.
You can buy magnet sheets and make circles on them to stick to the pans. You can change pans around whenever you like, the magnets are there to keep it in place.

I dont use magnets for my pans, the bottom of my pans are sticky from the glue so I just stick them in and they dont budge and are easy to remove.

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