To Parents of Pets


Well-known member
That's SO true!

Especially we cat "owners"....

No-one owns a cat!!


Well-known member
Oh my goodness... I giggled a lot at eveyones pet funnies... lol

My pup is a 7 lb Chihuahua, and you wouldn't believe how much space she takes up in the bed! Not only is she a bed hog, but she is a pillow hog! Everytime I get up and come back to lay back down in bed, she has either made her way up to my pillows and has taken them over, or she has wiggled her way into my pillow case... hehe

Also, she does the bathroom thing too... If I happen to not shut the bathroom door all the way, she'll bust in like it ain't no thing, and the the door will be wide open until I finish, just hoping that no-one walks by... But sure enough, everytime the door doesn't latch... lol

Here's my baby, on my pillow too... This face cracked me up



Well-known member
Haha my cat does all of the above. The worst is the bathroom. No matter where he is in the house as soon as he hears the bathroom door close he comes running. I usually just leave it cracked open now so he can come in haha.


Well-known member
Thank you so much for posting that! I'm the pet parent of a Great Dane named Zaladane, and an English Bulldog named Bruiser. I have kitties but they prefer to live in the garage lol.

I pasted the letter into Word and changed the font so it looked cute and handwritten. I'm going to print if off and hang it on the fridge! haha!

Everyones kitties and dogs on here are so freaking cute =D