To the Beach Chat!


Well-known member
info: Welcome to MAC Cosmetics Online. Your personal Makeup Artist will be with you shortly.
info: Hello. Thank you for your interest in MAC Cosmetics. My name is Jen D. How may I assist you?
Stacy: hi there
Jen D: Hello Stacy
Stacy: I have some questions about the to the beach collection
Stacy: I'm going to have to order online, so I just wanted some color advice
Jen D: Sure!
Stacy: the things that I know for sure that I'm getting are marine life, hipness blush, and pink rebel lustre drops but
Stacy: I'm not sure what I should go for for eyeshadows and lip stuff
Jen D: Are you wanting a really colourful look or that summery bronze look?
Stacy: bronze look
Stacy: I'm debating actually getting the sun rush drops too
Stacy: but I'm afraid they might be too dark for my NC15 skin
Jen D: I also wear NC15 and I can use them, but only on my cheeks as a bronzer.
Jen D: They are too dark anywhere else.
Stacy: how about mixed with foundation?
Jen D: Yes, but I am so light that I prefer to use that one only on my cheeks.
Jen D: It is just a personal preference though.
Stacy: that's good to know
Jen D: For the other colours, I would do Sand And Sun and Firecracker Eye Shadow. I have both of them and love them. They are so beautiful for the bronze look. Teddy Eye Kohl looks really nice with those colours too.
Stacy: great!
Jen D: Stacy, for the lips, try Beachbound or Lazy Day Lipstick with Easy Lounger Lipglass.
Jen D: This would be a great complement to the eyes and cheeks!
Stacy: lovely!
Stacy: I'm also really intrigued by flurry of fun (I think that is what it's called) but what would I pair it with, and what color pencis and/or liptstick could I wear it with
Jen D: I bet you are excited to get your new colours!
Jen D: Yes, that is a cool colour! It is unique. One moment please.
Stacy: sure
Jen D: Try Flurry of Fun Lipglass with Subculture Lip Pencil and Beachbound Lipistick for a great summer nude lip.
Jen D: Or....
Jen D: for a beautiful bold lip, try Flurry of Fun Lipglass on top of Lazy Day Lipstick and Magenta Lip Pencil!
Jen D: How do these looks sound to you, Stacy?
Stacy: they're making me excited! I can't wait for next week
Stacy: just to make sure, everything should be on the site Thursday morning (the 27th) right?
Stacy: I'm just so nervous about marine life selling out before I can get my hands on it hahaha
Jen D: Actually collections typically launch early online! May 25th is the launch date for us.
Jen D: Good think you asked!
Stacy: whew, that was a close one! Haha
Stacy: thank you sososososo much!
Jen D: you're welcome!


Well-known member
Funny thing... marine life sold out in an hour! Mac chat wouldn't work for me so I went ahead and called customer service earlier.

The lady I was speaking to was clueless. She said that they never launch anything early, and if they did launch To The Beach early online it would not show up until after midnight... To The Beach was up in a few hours after... smh.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by makababy
Funny thing... marine life sold out in an hour! Mac chat wouldn't work for me so I went ahead and called customer service earlier.

The lady I was speaking to was clueless. She said that they never launch anything early, and if they did launch To The Beach early online it would not show up until after midnight... To The Beach was up in a few hours after... smh.

That sucks. I was able to get the stuff I wanted fortunately, but only because I checked here and somebody said everything was on the site. Hopefully they'll restock marine life.


Well-known member
Marine Life sold out at the pro stores here within an hour. It was sold out online on MAY 26TH (a day before the 'official' release date) as of 6am PST.
As far as I know, they are not restocking it. Some people have been getting emails with apologies from MAC, stating that they will be unable to fill an order for Marine Life. Others are picking it up at Nordstrom. Not sure if it's still in stock there.

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