To Those Who Have Given Birth


Well-known member
I am going to do a sort of informal paper on the effects of exercise on pregnant women and like stuff about delivery and whatever...

So some questions:
1) Did you exercise regularly during pregnancy?
2) If yes, was it mild (light walking, etc) moderate (brisk walking/swimming, light weights whatever) or heavy (jogging/running, strength training etc)?
3) Did the exercising help at all during pregnancy with physical complaints (soreness, back trouble, nausea, etc be specific)?
4) Did you go into labour on, before or after your due date?
5) Did you give birth naturally, assisted (forceps, episiotomy, etc) or by c-section?
6) How long were you in labour, was the delivery quick or slow?
7) How long were you in hospital (if you were in the hospital)?
8) Did you receive any analgesics or anesthetics?
9) How soon afterwards did you feel "back to normal"?
10) Did you return to prepregnancy size/fitness level (and if yes how long did it take?)

Sorry for all the questions.

If you have had more than one kid and noticed a difference between them (like if you exercised for one, or both but still noticed a difference) please share.


Well-known member
1) Did you exercise regularly during pregnancy? Yes
2) If yes, was it mild (light walking, etc) moderate (brisk walking/swimming, light weights whatever) or heavy (jogging/running, strength training etc)?
I have a treadmill here at home and I would walk on it at a moderate pace 3.7 km/h for 1 hour Mon-Fri and I would also do yoga (DVD) once in a while.
3) Did the exercising help at all during pregnancy with physical complaints (soreness, back trouble, nausea, etc be specific)? My feet would swell up real bad if I'm stagnant and I noticed that my exercise prevents my feet from swelling up.
4) Did you go into labour on, before or after your due date? I gave birth on my 38th week which is 2 weeks before my expected date of delivery but my OB says that occurences like that are normal.
5) Did you give birth naturally, assisted (forceps, episiotomy, etc) or by c-section? I gave birth by c-section only because my OB suspected that my baby is being wrapped by his cord and to have a normal delivery may be dangerous.
6) How long were you in labour, was the delivery quick or slow? Before they decided on the c-section I was in labour for about 6-8 hours but I didn't feel any pains associated with labour.
7) How long were you in hospital (if you were in the hospital)? 3 days
8) Did you receive any analgesics or anesthetics? Yes
9) How soon afterwards did you feel "back to normal"? I feel back to normal now which is 6 weeks after I gave birth
10) Did you return to prepregnancy size/fitness level (and if yes how long did it take?) To my delight, I went back to my prepregnancy weight a WEEK after delivery which to me was astounding (though I only gained about 20 lbs during my pregnancy so that helped too). But I must say that some of my jeans still don't fit me quite right.


Active member
) Did you exercise regularly during pregnancy?uhhhm no, just normal day to day walking. I didn't exercise before pregnancy either.
2) If yes, was it mild (light walking, etc) moderate (brisk walking/swimming, light weights whatever) or heavy (jogging/running, strength training etc)?
3) Did the exercising help at all during pregnancy with physical complaints (soreness, back trouble, nausea, etc be specific)?Luckily I didn't suffer from back trouble, or terrible nausea, just horrific feet swelling during the last month of pregnancy
4) Did you go into labour on, before or after your due date? Water broke on my due date.
5) Did you give birth naturally, assisted (forceps, episiotomy, etc) or by c-section? unplanned c- section
6) How long were you in labour, was the delivery quick or slow? I was in labor 26 hours before it was finally decided a c- sec would be best, I dilated completely and pushed for three hours
, so labor was slow but the actual delivery by c-sec was very quick.

7) How long were you in hospital (if you were in the hospital)?5 days
8) Did you receive any analgesics or anesthetics? During labor I got a epi , which only took on half my body, yipeee for me LOL. Well I didn't really know it had only taken on half my body until c-sec time came and they started poking my belly asking me if I felt it, I was like nooo, nooo, can't feel that then yes, YES! ouchy ouchy. Well no wonder I still felt soo much pain during delivery! Anyway they had to put me completely under , I missed everything. boohoo for me LOL
9) How soon afterwards did you feel "back to normal"? It was maybe 2 months before I felt halfway decent, but I still have pain around my incision.
10) Did you return to prepregnancy size/fitness level (and if yes how long did it take?)My pre- pregnancy clothes fits but only the bottoms stuff, like my jeans and skirts , the top half is another story. I got super duper grandma arms UGH!! I haven't been exercising though mostly because of my incision pain but I am on my way. Oh , by the way I lost 30 pounds after delivery and 20 are still hanging on to me. But they are slowly melting away on there own.
ETA again I had my daughter 5 months ago and the reason I was unable to give birth naturally was because she had her cord wrapped around her neck 3 times and her body too. I am very lucky she is ok and prefectly healthy. Just thought I should clarify that.



Well-known member
1) Did you exercise regularly during pregnancy?
**Yes. Walking mostly...
2) If yes, was it mild (light walking, etc) moderate (brisk walking/swimming, light weights whatever) or heavy (jogging/running, strength training etc)?
**Walking mostly, like I said.
3) Did the exercising help at all during pregnancy with physical complaints (soreness, back trouble, nausea, etc be specific)?
**I didn't have those problems.
4) Did you go into labour on, before or after your due date?
**C-Sections x 3.
5) Did you give birth naturally, assisted (forceps, episiotomy, etc) or by c-section?
**C-Sections x 3.
6) How long were you in labour, was the delivery quick or slow?
**No labor. All scheduled.
7) How long were you in hospital (if you were in the hospital)?
**Three days for the first, four for the second, four for the third.
8) Did you receive any analgesics or anesthetics?
**Oh yeah.
9) How soon afterwards did you feel "back to normal"?
**around 2 months.
10) Did you return to prepregnancy size/fitness level (and if yes how long did it take?)**For the most part yes. It took probably 2 months for size, fitness level...longer. C-Sections take awhile to recover from.

Ms. Z

Well-known member
1) Did you exercise regularly during pregnancy? No, regular things like walking, and I did sit-ups for the first 6 months . I did go skating and dancing a few times during the first trimester.
2) If yes, was it mild (light walking, etc) moderate (brisk walking/swimming, light weights whatever) or heavy (jogging/running, strength training etc)? Regular walking & sit-ups
3) Did the exercising help at all during pregnancy with physical complaints (soreness, back trouble, nausea, etc be specific)?
I didn’t have any physical complaints (unless you count crying about stretch marks on my hips)
4) Did you go into labour on, before or after your due date?
I went into labor exactly the day the doctor predicted.
5) Did you give birth naturally, assisted (forceps, episiotomy, etc) or by c-section?
They had to use forceps because I was tired and to scared to push hard enough
6) How long were you in labour, was the delivery quick or slow?
I was in labor for over 12 hours, but I had no pain (the contractions were monitored with a machine because I could not feel them)
7) How long were you in hospital (if you were in the hospital)? 3 days
8) Did you receive any analgesics or anesthetics?
I did insist on a epidural before I gave birth because although I didn’t feel the contractions, I was sure I was going to feel a baby coming out of me
9) How soon afterwards did you feel "back to normal"? Except for the extra weight and that breast milk leakage, I felt fine physically after a couple of weeks but it took me several months to get rid of the PPD.
10) Did you return to pre-pregnancy size/fitness level (and if yes how long did it take?)
NO, NEVER! I kept 20 pounds that I could not get rid of with exercising and my busy lifestyle.


Well-known member
1) Did you exercise regularly during pregnancy?Yes
2) If yes, was it mild (light walking, etc) moderate (brisk walking/swimming, light weights whatever) or heavy (jogging/running, strength training etc)? Mild-I did stretching throughout and then the last 2 months I did a lot of walking
3) Did the exercising help at all during pregnancy with physical complaints (soreness, back trouble, nausea, etc be specific)? Yes I felt the walking relieved a lot of the tightness and expecially after I ate. I felt like the food was just sitting there and the walking made it felt like it was helping move along.
4) Did you go into labour on, before or after your due date? 2 weeks overdue. I had force labor
5) Did you give birth naturally, assisted (forceps, episiotomy, etc) or by c-section?I had a narcotic and then epidural and then rip as my son came out naturally vaginally
6) How long were you in labour, was the delivery quick or slow? pictocin was given at 8 and my son was born 3:13pm
7) How long were you in hospi.tal (if you were in the hospital)? 2 days
8) Did you receive any analgesics or anesthetics? see above
9) How soon afterwards did you feel "back to normal"? like a month
10) Did you return to prepregnancy size/fitness level (and if yes how long did it take?) I lose weight during my pregnancy so I was smaller than when I started. I mean I did gain but it was only 10 pounds so when sone was born I was still lesser of a weight then pre pregnancy.


Well-known member
1) Did you exercise regularly during pregnancy? Yes

2) If yes, was it mild (light walking, etc) moderate (brisk walking/swimming, light weights whatever) or heavy (jogging/running, strength training etc)?
I walked for the first few months and after that I got lazy! Haha

3) Did the exercising help at all during pregnancy with physical complaints (soreness, back trouble, nausea, etc be specific)? Yes.

4) Did you go into labour on, before or after your due date? I gave birth on the 37th week.

5) Did you give birth naturally, assisted (forceps, episiotomy, etc) or by c-section? C-section

6) How long were you in labour, was the delivery quick or slow? I was in labour for about 12 hours and the doctor told me that they need to do a emergency cesarian bcoz they reckon that my pelvic bone is too small.

7) How long were you in hospital (if you were in the hospital)? 1 week

8) Did you receive any analgesics or anesthetics? Yes.

9) How soon afterwards did you feel "back to normal"? Hmm, about 2 months
10) Did you return to prepregnancy size/fitness level (and if yes how long did it take?) I was 90 kilos when i was pregnant but after 3 months i lost 15 kilos. And now, im slowly getting back to my old sexy body. Lol


Well-known member
1) Did you exercise regularly during pregnancy? Not really. I did at first but then used pregnancy as an excuse not to which was bad.
2) If yes, was it mild (light walking, etc) moderate (brisk walking/swimming, light weights whatever) or heavy (jogging/running, strength training etc)?
See answer to #1, lol
3) Did the exercising help at all during pregnancy with physical complaints (soreness, back trouble, nausea, etc be specific)? once again see back to #1

4) Did you go into labour on, before or after your due date? I was 6 days early(she came on my 5 year wedding anniversary!)
5) Did you give birth naturally, assisted (forceps, episiotomy, etc) or by c-section? They gave me pitocin to hurry the labor along sibnce my water had broken...which was horrible!!! It caused me horrible pains! When I originally went into labor & up until the pitocin I copuldn't even feel the contractions, so the pain was so bad I needed an epidural, which I originally didn't want. I pushed her out but the Dr thought I would tear so I had an episiotomy

6) How long were you in labour, was the delivery quick or slow? I was in labor abot 14/15 hours but only pushed for about 40 minutes.

7) How long were you in hospital (if you were in the hospital)? I got there Friday moring & left Sunday afternoon

8) Did you receive any analgesics or anesthetics? epidural...which made me feel 100% great

9) How soon afterwards did you feel "back to normal"? About 6 weeks

10) Did you return to prepregnancy size/fitness level (and if yes how long did it take?) Ugh, I'm still not there cause I allowed myself to put on so muh lazy weight during the pregnancy. I've also been lazy about working out though now that my beautiful baby is here


Well-known member
1) Did you exercise regularly during pregnancy? A bit
2) If yes, was it mild (light walking, etc) moderate (brisk walking/swimming, light weights whatever) or heavy (jogging/running, strength training etc)? I did light walking, most of it was shopping time! Lol
3) Did the exercising help at all during pregnancy with physical complaints (soreness, back trouble, nausea, etc be specific)? It helped until I was about 7 months
4) Did you go into labour on, before or after your due date? 3 Days Before
5) Did you give birth naturally, assisted (forceps, episiotomy, etc) or by c-section? After 4 1/2 long hours of pushing, I was rushed into an emergency C-Section
6) How long were you in labour, was the delivery quick or slow? I was in labor for 22 hours
7) How long were you in hospital (if you were in the hospital)? 4 Days
8) Did you receive any analgesics or anesthetics? Epidural, and Demerol
9) How soon afterwards did you feel "back to normal"? After the mdedicine or after labor? Medicine I didnt get feeling back untill 4 hours after my daughter was born. After labor probalblly 3 weeks!
10) Did you return to prepregnancy size/fitness level (and if yes how long did it take?) Im still not all the way there. But almost! I have about 15-2O pounds to lose!!!

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