Tom, Katie and Suri's Vanity Fair Cover


Well-known member
OMG...thanks for the link, Suri is such a beautiful baby. Well duh, just look at her parents. It's about time they decided to show her off!!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Shimmer
Honestly? Because I wanted them to be little cue ball bald babies. *shrug* Just one of the things mothers sometimes obsess on. One of my friends who was pregnant at the same time I was wanted a baby with a full head of hair. I didn't.



Well-known member
this baby is so cute. hopefully she doesnt get all ugly when she gets older. you know cute baby ugly as an adult. ugly baby cute adult.


Active member
its funny that she is finally "revealed" but yet no ones talking about it anymore. all you heard for months was "where is she?" "why are they hiding her" "she must be deformed!!!" and now shes finally shown and its like " alright moving on" its just funny to me all the fuss being made and its finally here and its like.............yeah.

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