Toner/Moisturizer question...

Hey everyone,
Ive been pretty lazy about my face my whole life, and i have just recently started to take good care of it in the last year or so. If i use a toner, should i also use a moisturizer? And if so, is there any good moisturizers that you all would recommend? I have a lush moisturizer
( imperious) and it makes my face feel and look oilier, which is not exactly what i am going for. Currently i am using lush products in the evening and origins in the morning. Thanks for your help.h



Well-known member
Hi Melissa!

As far as using toner goes, it may not even be necessary unless you use it as a second step in cleansing, to ensure all traces of cleanser have been removed. Since I use a microfiber cloth to remove cleanser, I don't have to use toner as a 2nd step. But I DO use toner to return the PH balance to my skin if I apply a BHA or AHA solution with a low PH value because a properly formulated toner will help to return your PH balance to a normal value of 5.5.

For the rest of your question what is your skin type, and what are your primary skin health concerns?


Well-known member
You should always moisturize, whether you use a toner or not. Try switching to a more light-weight moisturizing lotion if your current one is making you oily. Almost all brands have different moisturizers for different skin types, even drugstore ones. The Body Shop seaweed moisturizers are great, and Estee Lauder Daywear Plus.

Honey B. Fly

Well-known member
i find that moisturizers/toners made for sensitive skin are the best. i have normal skin, its not sensitive but products made for that type usually wont make u oily/break out at all.