Top 11 Unsexiest Men


Well-known member
In response to Maxim's list of Unsexy women, AOL's The Cooler posted their own list devoted to unattractive males.

11: Ben Stiller
10. Eric Dane
9. Ryan Phillipe
9 (tied). Josh Hartnett
8. Pete Wentz
7. James Blunt
6. Kevin Connolly
5. Howard Stern
4. Simon Cowell
3. Wilmer Valderrama
2. Brandon Davis
1. Pete Doherty

Half of that list I would totally do (from Pete Wentz to Ben Stiller.) However, their top 5, save Wilmer, are pretty nasty.


Well-known member
Eric Dane? Seriously?! Why is he on this list! He's pretty good looking, and I usually don't go for that sort of man.


I.. don't get it. He's at least cute. He reminds me of Leonardo DiCaprio.

As for Pete Doherty.. yeah, that goes without saying. Haha.


Well-known member
How unfunny.

Those men should be appreciated for their talent, not their 'sexiness'. 'Sexiness' is so subjective anyway. Gosh. To one person something may be a complete turn on and to another it's a deal breaker. Lists like these don't do anything but hurt people (people who create images for the public to view based on their external appearance and the ability to photoshop their images and have their stylists accentuate their best features...) who are simply trying to share their talent with the rest of the world.

[/end sarcasm]

Eric Dane? Give me half a chance I'd make him forget Rebecca Gayheart ever existed. Tasty.


Well-known member
Josh Hartnett? I wouldn't kick him out of bed. And I have a secret crush on Simon Cowell.

This list doesn't make any sense.


Well-known member
Dude Pete Doherty is one of the SEXIEST men alive(or still clinging to life by a string anyway haha) and so is Simon Cowell (don't tell!)


Well-known member
I have to agree with 11-6 (i'd include Kevin Connelly, I don't find him bad) are good looking, esp the emphasis on 7-10. Eric Dane--whoooo that Grey's episode with him coming out of the shower...nice....*daydreams* oh and pete wentz I think is hot esp. when he's not with Ashlee Simpson, whole other story. Well I didn't wholly agree with the Maxim list of unsexiest women either.


Well-known member
This list is all wrong.

Eric Dane?!
Ryan Phillipe?!
Josh Hartnett?!

I don't get it. But, I do have secret crushes on Kevin Connolly and Pete Wentz. Call me crazy.



Well-known member
Originally Posted by seabird
pete doherty! he's so attractive but he really shouldn't be.

I wouldnt even touch him with a broom stick... brrrr
He's disgusting, IMO.

I would add Benition Del thingy thing...
I can't look at him

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