Transferring to SoCal - where to go?!


Well-known member
Ok so a while back I posted about a possible 3rd key position opening at my counter, still hasn't happened lol. Anyway I'm considering transferring down to LA in October when my 6 months are up. Cause of school and I've been told there's a lot of opportunity to grow with MAC down there then up here.

I've been to LA a few times and I love it but of course I've only visited. I've been to the PRO store on Robertsons and the MAC store in the Beverly Center and that's about it. Anyone from SoCal able to tell me what stores/counters seem to be busy? I like to work in fast paced environments. I was considering contacting the manager at the Santa Monica MAC store because I figure if I'm going to Santa Monica College (before transferring to UCLA) it would make sense right?! But idk, so if anyone out there can give me advice on that.

For the girls and guys who work at MAC have any of you been through the transfer process?! One of my co-workers said they might give me a pay cut if I transfer down there because the cost of living in the Bay Area is higher. That sorta freaked me out haha. What's the transfer process like? I'm a 20 hour right now and I hope to post for a 30 or more hour when something comes up so what's it like especially for me being that I'd relocate? I guess my main concern is having my numbers looked at, up to date I've made my goal above and beyond since starting in April but this new fiscal year they raised our goals ridiculously high (the girls at MAC PRO on Robertson were shocked at our SPH). Last month I was the only one at the counter to make my goal but this month I'm starting school again so I wont be able to pick up shifts and I highly doubt I'll pull my goal. I'm wondered how that will effect me transferring in Oct.