Traveling with makeup?


Hello! this is actually one of my first "real" posts here on specktra.
umm..i was just wondering if it's a hassle or not to bring makeup with you to the airport. does the makeup make the censor thing go off? you know the one where you have to walk through at the airport.

I'm packing right now to go to Vegas and LA with my best friend and her family. andd i'm just worried that they'll have to go through my bags and take the makeup away. heh; i know its a stupid question. :crap:I'd really appreciate it if you guys can answer as soon as possible! TIA!

and sorry if this is in the wrong forum.


Well-known member
You really need to check your stuff, so things don't get taken away, and most people carry their makeup onboard with them.


haha thank you. but umm. i really dont have that much anyways... i mainly just use eyeshadow
. i have like..i think 18 eyeshadows plus a quad..and i really dont wanna leave any at home :[. hahaha. its soo hard!
so its not that much of an hassle? i don't wanna worry too much bout this "situation".


thanks lara! that actually helped a lott. objects aren't allowed to be in your carry-on luggage right? [tweezers, razor, etc.] you can put those in your checked-in luggage though yes?

ahh. sorrrry there's so many questions. i'm only..15


Well-known member
You said that you have 18 shadows. Do you have a palette for 15 of them, or all they all in pot form? If you have a palette, I would put some tissue between the shadows and the lid. I would also keep my makeup in a carry on that can go underneath the seat. I've put it in the overhead bin, but have seen careless people slam their things inside the compartment. I would hate for your makeup to get squashed by someone's carelessly thrown in bag.


Originally Posted by depecher
You said that you have 18 shadows. Do you have a palette for 15 of them, or all they all in pot form? If you have a palette, I would put some tissue between the shadows and the lid. I would also keep my makeup in a carry on that can go underneath the seat. I've put it in the overhead bin, but have seen careless people slam their things inside the compartment. I would hate for your makeup to get squashed by someone's carelessly thrown in bag.

aw i'm sorry about your makeup :[. and no; i dont think there's a pro store anywhere round here so i can't find a palette. that's the only place to get one right? well i heard vegas has one. so i might be going there to check them out

and yeah they're all in pot form,unfortunately. thanks for your post :]


Well-known member
When i travel with my make up i tend to put my make up in my bag which im taking on board with me. when you do put it through the sensors and they happen to search your bag make sure you watch carefully and make sure everything is put back in, several times my bag has bleeped coz of a belt or metal on clothes and some airport staff dont care n just start chucking things about when searching. had a bad experience at Dubai airport argh felt liking kiking him in his nuts!!


Well-known member
2 things- first, pack like you're never going to see your checked luggage again (take anything particularly precious with you) and second be careful with plastic bottles as pressure changes can cause them to spew their all over the place. I say this b/c I just spent about an hour cleaning up face and body foundation and if I can save just one other person...!!!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Ad0rkable_
thanks lara! that actually helped a lott. objects aren't allowed to be in your carry-on luggage right? [tweezers, razor, etc.] you can put those in your checked-in luggage though yes?

ahh. sorrrry there's so many questions. i'm only..15

All sharps or things that could remotely be considered sharp go into your checked-on luggage, everything else bring it as carry-on and store it under your seat to save crushing/smashing/other dramas. Ring up the airline and ask about bringing your brushes as carry-on, as some airlines/airports consider them as being similar to knitting needles - pointy things that could be considered stabbing weapons.

Originally Posted by maxcat
I say this b/c I just spent about an hour cleaning up face and body foundation and if I can save just one other person...!!!

Oy, I know that feeling. Double-bag everything in zip-lock sandwich bags, then wrap the whole lot in a shopping bag. I've also, in a pinch, bagged up bottles in condoms and knotted the ends.


thank you soooooo much for all the replies! i'm bout to go over to my friends to sleep over now so we can head on out to the airport early in the morning!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by lara
Oy, I know that feeling. Double-bag everything in zip-lock sandwich bags, then wrap the whole lot in a shopping bag. I've also, in a pinch, bagged up bottles in condoms and knotted the ends.

Good idea!!!
The explosion happened twice - it leaked in my case and then when I opened the thing it repressurized and went splat. F&B bottles ahve not done this to me before but I've got a Keihl's leave in conditioner that always goes kaboom when you open it first time off the plane.

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