Tried pressing MSF into blush pan?


New member
Has anyone tried to re-press a mineralized skin finish into a blush pan? Does the color stay the same? I'm contemplating doing this with Perfect Topping...

And with the quality and functionality the same or does it get distorted?



Well-known member
If I were you I would not try it. Pressing mineral products is very different from talc-based powders. I know that CS has a mixing medium for repressing mineral stuff and you could try that, otherwise just break it up into chunks and use it as a loose powder. You could ruin your MSF.


Well-known member
lol lol lets learn from each other, eh n_c? lol I dont know why I found it so funny.

But GlamGirlSabrina, why do you want to press it? The dome is half the fun!


Well-known member
Enkoremakeup has a tutorial on Youtube on how to press mineralized makeup. I think he said to use MAC's face and body mixing medium and then put it in an oven. Please double check his channel.