Trip to MAC Pro for my Bday!!!

Stephie Baby

Well-known member
Today was my Bday so I done some major shopping. I went to the MAC counter and got my make up done. It was my first time getting a MAC makeover. To be honest... I could have done my make up the way she did it. She didn't really listen to me when I told her how I wanted it, but oh well. It was still pretty.

Anyway, today at the counter I got brush cleaner, studio fix NC 25, and MAC lipglass in PRRR...

At the Pro store, I got Copper sparkle Pigment and the Platinum metal pigment. Refill pans in Coral, Cobalt and Aquadisiac.

I also got two Sephora shadestick/jumbo pencils in 504 (purple) and 510 (green). My ebay brush set finally came in today also.

I got some clothes too, but I didn't feel like taking pictures of them.




Stephie Baby

Well-known member
Not yet. I will tomorrow. They are really soft though. My boyfriend kept taking the blush brush and rubbing it on his face.


Active member
I LOVE Copper Sparkle; it is such a dramatic pigment. The Platinum looks amazing too. Happy Birthday...and I would also like to know about the brushes

Stephie Baby

Well-known member
Originally Posted by mandilovesmakeup
what brand brushes are those?

They are a no name brand. I got them off Ebay for $20. Lol. They came in a case, which smelled like plastic. EWW!! Today I pulled them all out and cleaned them and they survived!! I was worried that they would just fall apart afterward, but I haven't had any fall out yet. They really grab the eyeshadow also. I haven't used the eyeliner brush yet, but I think it might not be dense enough to apply creme eyeliner.

Thanks everyone for wishing me a Happy Birthday!! :)

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