Trouble with my make up! (Pix INSIDE) help me:(


hey ladies.... i'm not a makeup prof like u guys but I love MakeUp and I wished I was a prof!!!! ;o)
I just have some problems with my makeup and thats why I'm here!!!
I don't know what colors i should use..... everyone tells me its TOO MUCH and the pink lipgloss doesnt fit me.... but i love pink
But maybe there are some better colors for me to go with..... maybe a pretty nude color or something.
Anyways I'm gonna post some pix of me, and I would appreciate your advices!!! What can I do better, which colors should i use and stuff..... i would also be glad if u can post some example pictures cuz I don't know the products by the name.... (3 years ago) (without a lot of make up)

sorry for my bad english

thanx guys, love manda


New member
Gosh I'd love to see your pics and help you out but when I click on the pics it says they are not found.

When you click to edit your post see that little icon that looks like mountains click on that and add the links one at time there. If that does not work maybe the place you are linking from does not allow hot linking.

Keep in mind that you can up load your pics here to specktra.

Hope that helps and can't wait to see you!


New member
********** Changed to recs... I think this would be a better spot to get responses!

I think that you may want to be a little easier on the blush but I don't see much wrong with your makeup. Why do people tell you it's too much? What is too much?


Originally Posted by sxychika1014
********** Changed to recs... I think this would be a better spot to get responses!

I think that you may want to be a little easier on the blush but I don't see much wrong with your makeup. Why do people tell you it's too much? What is too much?

they say its too pinkish, or the blush and the lipgoss do not fit together.... and stuff. They say i should get back to the makeup i wore 3 years ago ^^^^ (posted)


Hello Mandy!
I can see the pics and your so pretty!But yeah I think You should wear warmer pink tones not like that cool dead pink what you wear.I think my skin looks like yours and a MUA in MAC store offered me Harmony blush and I love it.What I can see on your photos you wear too orangy blush with that cool lipstick.My favorite natural lipstick is Prolongwear Loyal it could work with orange blush and when I wear pink lipsticks(my fave is Moxie,or Pro Longwear Lustre Lover's lust) I use natural blush(Harmony).Again You are soo pretty, forget that cool pink!And sorry about my english.


Well-known member
I agree with LivingPink,. warm tones for you. If you wanna go pink stay to pinks with less blue-tint and more gold,.. Expensive Pink would be great on you, gleam, paradisco..ect,.. cheeks go same,.. something like Breath of Plum (When it goes on it actually has a warm tint) and Sunbasque. Lips,.. Well girl,.. go for it,..once you warm up the rest of the face,. you can make most lips work.


New member
Yeah, I like the bronzy colors on u better that the very cool pink. You are a really pretty girl! You may want to stick to a bit warmer colors. Pinks are ok, you just need to find a better pink for you.


Well-known member
You are gorgeous!

Now for me to be blunt-sorry-but I gotta agree that cool colored pink blush and lipstick on you isn't the most flattering.

I would almost go, since you like pink, for a more mauvy tone.

Maybe-MAC Yogurt, Girlie, and another color in that range, and brown eyeliner and mascara (or black), and MAC Coygirl and MAC Syrup lipstick

The eyeshadows are very soft and feminine, the blush has more purple tones in it but it would still look nice, just use a VERY VERY VERY soft touch. In one of your pictures (and again I'm not trying to sound ugly) it's almost like you put on the entire container of blush on your face! Just use a light touch!

The good news is you can also use golds, golds would look stunning on you, so would khaki greens for the eyes.

For the cheeks the blushes I would recommend are MAC Style, Fleur Power, Margin and NARS Orgasm, Taos, and Deep Throat.

FOr Lipgloss-go for the warmer stuff babe! Go for nice pinky golds.

I hope this helps and I hope I wasn't too rude!


New member
First please don't take anything I have to say in the wrong way.
I think you look great but I do agree that the cool pink gloss is a bit much.
I really like your makeup from 3 years ago. The warmer colors look great on you!
I love pink too so I totally understand!
Love Nectar is great. It's a bit cool but warm at the same time. Sinnamon mixed with a pink like Flusterose would look great on you!
Also give Springbean a try. It is lime green in the tube when when applied on pink lips it changes to a lovely caramel color and you still have the pink of lips behind it. Looks fab!
Nymphette might be another one to try it has warm hints too.
Berry colors would also look good on you. Pop Mode , lovechild very nice warm plum colors. You can apply a pink gloss over them too

Moistly lipgelee would look great on you! Slicked pink is a very see through pink and too much pink. It looks great over so many colors!

As far as the blush goes. Sometimes you want a bit of contrast. Too much matching can look a bit strange. I suggest picking colors compliment each other. For instance a pinks look very nice with bronze colors when are more a warm toned person. Try check out some Nars blush. Lovejoy and outlaw would look great on you.
As far as eye color. I do think you could get away with many colors including cool colors as long as you keep the lip and cheek warm.

Check out the new L'oreal Hope line. It's LE so get while you can
I posted pics here

This thread might also help

That gloss would look great on you!

You are a beautiful lady!


awww thank u sooo much for all the advices... I don't have ANY stuff from MAC.... i live in germany/ hamburg and theres only one MAC store here which is very far away from where I live... but i think i have to go there now and look at all the stuff u recomended me ;o) thanx so much! btw did u do all that makeup on ur fotoalbum by yourself?????


Originally Posted by Zap2it
As far as the blush goes. Sometimes you want a bit of contrast. Too much matching can look a bit strange. I suggest picking colors compliment each other. For instance a pinks look very nice with bronze colors when are more a warm toned person. Try check out some Nars blush. Lovejoy and outlaw would look great on you.

i checked out the blushes on ebay and i love Lovejoy! it looks great... but it sux cuz we dont have NARS in germany... do u know any other semiliar blush from another brand?


New member
Originally Posted by Mandy007
i checked out the blushes on ebay and i love Lovejoy! it looks great... but it sux cuz we dont have NARS in germany... do u know any other semiliar blush from another brand?

Oh no Nars either. darn

Can you give me a list of lines that you can get in Germany? That would be great.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Mandy007
i checked out the blushes on ebay and i love Lovejoy! it looks great... but it sux cuz we dont have NARS in germany... do u know any other semiliar blush from another brand?

If I'm not mistaken, I think there really is a site where you can buy NARS in Hamburg... but I don't remember what it was called! Or you can look on ebay!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Mandy007
i live in germany/ hamburg and theres only one MAC store here which is very far away from where I live... but i think i have to go there now and look at all the stuff u recomended me ;o)

believe me honey: you have to go there!!!! the first time I've been to the MAC Store in Köln nearly a religious experience

btw. waves from karlsruhe to hamburg


Originally Posted by Zap2it
Oh no Nars either. darn

Can you give me a list of lines that you can get in Germany? That would be great.

I can get:

and a lot more but those are the ones that came to my mind first... thanx doll ;o)


New member
I can't think of an exact lookalike for Lovejoy. When you shopping look for bronze rosey color.

Some ideas MAC Ambering Rose and Sunbasque (Sunbasque is more copper but it's somewhat close)
If I can think of one from the lines you listed I will let you know.

Maybe some of the other peeps might now.
Try doing a post here in Recs.

Here is a pic of lovejoy to help you out.

I hope SadieMC does not mind me using her pic. It's for a good cause.


Well-known member
Hi, Mandy. You are very pretty. I definately agree that you should try some warmer colors on the lip. The cool pink you are using is not the most flattering for your skintone. In some of the pics your lips seemed to disappear into your skin. I think you could pull off a warm red very nicely. If you are able to find any MAC products in your area, you should try "O" and "fresh morracan" lipsticks. I think they would look fantastic on you. The same for the blusher, a warmer color and a lighter application would look great.
I feel your pain with the pinks, too. I love pink eye looks, but the hardly ever work on me. I can wear them in moderation, with warmer and deeper colors.
Good Luck!!


Well-known member
First... You are beautiful!!!

I think you would look great in MAC Pink Clash lipglass, or Viva Glam V (both the gloss and the lipstick)

Take the day off from work, pack up your friends and your stuff... It's time for a ROADTRIP!!!