true love!


Well-known member
so i've been thinking alot this past week about alot of things, one being love. not puppy love, not lust but true love. been thinking alot about what it's like and when you know you've found it, stuff like that.

for those of you who have found it...what was it like? what is it like?

i know it's one of those things that everyone says when you find it, you'll know. but i just want to know everyone's personal take and experience on true love.

tell me your stories, ladies and gentlemen.


Well-known member
Well I suppose I am a bad person to ask because I just got dumped.
Lol...I was in love with the person and I still am, my heart is broken.
Any way.....I believe true love is when that person makes you feel like you have such a great friend and you can be yourself. You make each other better people and they put a smile on your face. You feel completely comfortable with them and they make you feel carefree and joyous.
Their compliments and kind words make you feel so beautiful and
and special.
Well I wanted to elaborate more but I guess I suck at this true love thing it turns out...=(


Well-known member
I know I love my boyfriend because if I imagine a life without him, I just want to curl up and cry. I trust him, and he trusts me, which is key. The best part is how he understands me...what I'm thinking, what I mean when I say things. He gets it....and I do the same for him. We always joke that I'm psychic because I know what he's thinking without him having to say anything!

Really, I realized that I loved him when I realized that I wanted to treat him the same way that I treat my parents or my best friend...he had become that important to me, that entwined in my life.

Incidentally, it's our 3 year anniversary on Monday


Well-known member
Originally Posted by EmbalmerBabe
Well I suppose I am a bad person to ask because I just got dumped.
Lol...I was in love with the person and I still am, my heart is broken.
Any way.....I believe true love is when that person makes you feel like you have such a great friend and you can be yourself. You make each other better people and they put a smile on your face. You feel completely comfortable with them and they make you feel carefree and joyous.
Their compliments and kind words make you feel so beautiful and
and special.
Well I wanted to elaborate more but I guess I suck at this true love thing it turns out...=(

I know how you feel,and I totally empathize/sympathize with you. I'm thinking about you, honey, breakups aren't easy, especially when it's with someone you care about deeply. Take care!


Well-known member
I knew it was true...when I moved from Hawaii all the way to South Carolina! It feels great to be in love. I feel like he is my best friend. We always say the same thing at the time. Which freaks people out, because we do it A LOT! LOL But, after two years we are still able to talk to each other all the time. Hang out, and just really enjoy each other's company. I've been in love before, but I really feel this love I have with him is very different. There is a deeper connection between us. I think we fit nicely.

Corvs Queen

Well-known member
I moved from North Carolina to Austria to be with my fiance that I had never met before. That's true love.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Corv's Queen
I moved from North Carolina to Austria to be with my fiance that I had never met before. That's true love.

That's what I'm saying, when I moved to SC was the first time I met my boyfriend. I think that is true love.


Well-known member
I'm moving to the UK to be with my boyfriend in August!!
I knew it was true love from the first time we met when we were 17, but I second guessed it because I was young, and everyone told me I was too young to know..

We broke up because of the distance (Oxford, England to Niagara Falls, Canada.. ouch), and not being able to do anything about it at that age.. went off.. dated other people for nine years, but always kept in touch. And for the last.. oh.. *at least* three years, I've been wanting to send him a letter to him telling him that I still had feelings, but chickened out every time. So I finally grew balls (only metaphorically, thankfully!) last summer and told him one late night (for him) on msn.. and he replied by telling me that he also did, and hadn't said anything because he had figured he'd ruined his chances back then when we were young!

So.. he ended up coming to visit me right after Christmas, to see if we still had feelings for one another after spending a week together.. and oh my god, did we ever. So I visited the UK in March, and we decided on me moving there, for two years. I'm so excited, because we're going to do as much travelling as possible - I'm going to get to see all these places I've never seen before, and more importantly, I get to see them with him!!!

One of the reasons I know it's true love is because I've been completely dependant on my parents up until now, never wanting to become independant, move out, etc, because I was freaked out about the reponsibility, etc.. and now I'm not scared to at all, I just know I need to be with him.

I have a panic disorder that has caused me to not be able to fly in a plane (among many other things) since I was 18/19, because I had fear of having a panic attack on a plane (I have agoraphobia). But I braved it and flew to England myself in March because there was no way we were going to be able to be together if I couldn't get over the fear! I also didn't tell him about the disorder until after he went home from his visit in January, as I was scared of his reaction.. but he was so supportive and he has been my main support to help me get over my panic and anxiety and actually start doing things I couldn't before.

I've never felt so secure in a relationship as when I am with him - he is such a wonderful, caring person.. he does all those little things that show me he really cares - the kind of things we spend our teens and sometimes our twenties thinking "oh, that's so fake, no guy does that for a girl!!" He would move hell or high water for me, and I would do the same for him.

Love is an amazing thing when it's true - if only more people felt like this, I'm sure there would be less depression, less fighting, less war.. oooh I sound like John Lennon.. hahaha

Eep, sorry for such a long reply

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