True or False! Let's get to know each other!


Well-known member
False. Had a chocolate one not long ago
and one of my boyfriend this morning

TNP is wearing striped socks


Well-known member
true - i've had a variety of hair colours but i normally just stick to black

TNP is going to see their favourite artist live soon.


Well-known member
True - its coming along though, MUFE MAT Velvet has been the best so far, but still not HG.

TNP loves reality TV.


Well-known member

I like very few of them. I like the Amazing Race.
And I must admit to watching ANTM and Project Runway, although I usually do something else at the same time, and just pay attention during the creative bit (can't stand the drama bitching stuff!!!)
HATE Big Brother with a passion.

TNP has pushed them self today to do something they find difficult


Well-known member
True. I have lots of paperwork to finish on my desk. I will get the majority of it done...hopefully

TNP is contemplating a new hair color.


Well-known member
false. i've dyed my hair so much over the past 18 months that i'm scared to change from black for a while incase it falls out!

TNP is going somewhere nice for their summer holidays


Well-known member
Originally Posted by spunky
false. i've dyed my hair so much over the past 18 months that i'm scared to change from black for a while incase it falls out!

TNP is going somewhere nice for their summer holidays

Oh I know that feeling! I was stupid and bleached my long dark hair to white blonde so it was so weak and I had to get it cut really short =( I'm also worried about changing from black, but I do fancy a change...

and True! Orlando in 16 days!!
for a month

TNP loves scented candles


Well-known member
true/false i'm weird about it and always feel inadequate so it's awkward for me but i wish i had more/new friends!

tnp has or has had an "exotic" animal(something other than cat/dog)


Well-known member
false, but my best friend has a cornsnake that i love to pieces!

TNP is considering a change of career.


Well-known member
Snakes are my absolute biggest fear...can't look at pictures of them without being scared.

True! I need to get point applying when I'm going away for a mouth though so nobody wants me right now!

TNP has a phobia of some kind


Well-known member
True... wasps, and getting my head under water... total panic fest!!!

Wish I could get over the water thing, cause I do like swimming, and dream of being able to dive

TNP like walking barefoot

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