Trying to find a replacement color for my Mom


Well-known member
Ok... So like i was getting ready at my Moms place the other day, and she noticed that I have like 89078556435 things out on the counter while getting ready. So of course I asked her what she uses. And of course it's not much.

Just the basics, drugstore foundation + powder, little bit of blush, eyeliner + mascara and an eyeshadow.

Now what caught my attention was that the eyeshadow she is using was one of those, "free sample" packs that have like 2 colors and a sponge aplicator all rolled into 1 teeny tiny compact lol. The funny part was that it was a compact that I was going to disgard months ago since I never used it, but I remember her opening it and liking the color so i gave it to her. Now ironically I think I have another one stashed away somewhere in my box of "makeup I dont use anymore" but I dont wanna give it to her.

The combo was a light and dark brown, and listed it's called, "Cover Girl Like Mink #K73" but I can't find anything on-line since it's probably a long since discontinued sample.

Any advice on getting her something that would look a little better? I'm trying to get my Mom onboard the MAC train lol, so I can drag her along with me when I go to the counters and use up some Mom Credit LOL. But it has to be really basic right now, since makeup isn't super important to her (least she wears it though lol)

Any fav color combo's in browns anyone can suggest?


Well-known member
i really like espresso for a true brown...and era is great beige color! hope this can help you and your mom

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