Trying to make this right.


Well-known member
i'm gradually feeling better day by day- i'm really tired, and pretty jittery, but no where NEAR what it was. thanks for your support, dears.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Shawna
Doesn't it take at least 2 weeks for the meds to start working?

Yeah, but the funny thing about that is it takes about two weeks to feel the benefits, yet it seems to take no time at all to feel side-effects.


Well-known member
so, anyone know why you're not supposed to drink while taking wellbutrin? i always drank with all my other a/ds (elavil, effexor, cymbalta, zoloft, paxil) and never had a problem- but it seemed like friday night i got blasted way faster than usual!


New member
Originally Posted by MissMarley
so, anyone know why you're not supposed to drink while taking wellbutrin? i always drank with all my other a/ds (elavil, effexor, cymbalta, zoloft, paxil) and never had a problem- but it seemed like friday night i got blasted way faster than usual!

it could be a different chemical that reacts a different way with alcohol. different meds react differently with alcohol and other drugs and stuff.

Originally Posted by MissMarley
well, he's mostly trying to get me to eat three small meals, with occasional snacks. i didn't do very well today- i helped some friends move, and they bought pizza to thank us, and i came home and purged it.

this is really hard.

about ur progress, it is very difficult to change something you are so accustomed to and way too easy to fall into old habits. the one thing i can tell u is try not to over eat because that will cause ur stomach and digestive system to react wierd... u need to easy back into a normal eating habit. so i would say try eating fruits for breakfast. something light that will fill you up but not be too heavy on your stomack. drink a lot of liquid like water and juice (because juice have a lot of vitamins you may need as long as its all natural) and try to avoid sodas and stuff. for lunch try to stick to small stuff like sandwiches and nothing to fatty because it might cause a reflux in your stomach that might make you throw up. for dinner try light stuff like chicken and veggies or pasta and a little sauce. i had a friend who recovered from bulemia and she told me the easiest thing was when she felt the need to purge to drink water and talk to someone about something else. cuz u need to get that feeling out of your head... u need to be healthy... ur on the right track, you cant be hard on yourself. its a process!!! i'll def be here to try to encourage you!!!


Well-known member
fucking wellbutrin, i just got out the hospital for seizure/fainting shit brought on by the med. i'm not taking it anymore, they're putting me back on zolft.


Well-known member
That sucks
It is so hard to mess around with medication. You just never know what the side effects are going to be. I hope that you are feeling better soon. How are things going otherwise? Are you able to eat now? Or do you still have the bad gag reflex? Let us know......


Well-known member
Here's the scoop:

I had a major reaction to wellbutrin this week- i have always had trouble with low blood pressure and hypoglycemia, and wellbutrin caused those both to plummet. i passed out on tuesday afternoon. woke up, ate something, then started throwing up. this whole time i was shaking, but dripping with sweat, and finally was so dizzy that i couldn't stand up. i finally just started sobbing and telling nate that i couldn't live like this anymore. we called the emergency line for my psychiatrist's office, and the person on the line told me to go immediately to the hospital.

in the emergency room, they did more blood work and urinalysis, and came back and told me that abruptly stopping paxil and starting wellbutrin was basically poisoning me- and they pumped me full of medicine to keep me from having a seizure, which was the first concern.

next came medicine to stabilize my blood chemistry and that hurt. then it was some sort of xanax-like substance to keep me from screaming as they kind of detoxed me.

i was really upset about being in the psych ward- i wasn't threatening to hurt myself, and told the doctor that. the nurses in the ward were really unpleasant for the most part, and i shared a room with a recovering narcotic addict who was detoxing too. i didn't really sleep- it felt like my organs were melting or something, and i soaked the bed in sweat. finally this morning my doctor came back (not just the er doc) and said that I was obviously not a danger to myself or anyone else, and discharged me.

i'm now on a detoxing regimen of pills to get everything out of my body and they put me back on the zoloft, which made me feel better (the reason my psychiatrist took me off is because he didn't think it was effective in controlling my eating disorder, but nothing is- only behavioral therapy works for that). My bloodwork is being constantly monitored.

My dad is flamingly angry, he's a pharmacology professor and threw a fit when he found out that the doc took me off paxil cold turkey and started a new class of medicine immediately. It was really scary- the doctors told me I could have had a seizure, or it could have made me suicidally psychotic. Thanks for your prayers. I've been sleeping all today, and am ready to go back to bed.


Well-known member
How are you doing? It's been more than a few days since you posted here. Are the new/old meds working better?


Well-known member
Oh my god, that's horrible. I'm glad you got help, though. I'm also glad that you've posted FOTDs the past couple of days, because that means you're okay.

If the other doctors and your dad knew that stopping Paxil and starting another drug right away made you this sick, maybe you can sue that doctor. Obviously, if other professionals know what that can do, he should have known too.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by MissMarley
so, anyone know why you're not supposed to drink while taking wellbutrin? i always drank with all my other a/ds (elavil, effexor, cymbalta, zoloft, paxil) and never had a problem- but it seemed like friday night i got blasted way faster than usual!

Its terrible for your liver!!! Can cause Cirrhosis.


Well-known member
hello...i am reading your posts and wanting you to know i'm sending positive thoughts your way. i hope you are feeling better each day. it might take a lot of work, but things can definitely get better.

i work in the mental health field and was wondering if you have tried/have thought about trying a more intensive type of outpatient treatment program - they are called either day treatment programs or structured outpatient programs. these tend to be especially helpful for eating disorder treatment, b/c they combine the cognitive-behavioral techniques with support from people who are going through the same thing. just a thought...

at the very least it might be good to see a new psychiatrist if you haven't already. i wonder about a psychiatrist who thinks there is an antidepressant out there that will control an eating disorder (i think that why you said he originally took you off the zoloft).

at any rate, please hang in there and let us know how you are doing!


Well-known member
yeah...i haven't been posting here because i've been trying really hard not to think about it. the psych ward was an ungodly nightmare. i've thought about outpatient treatment, but the closest place that offers it is two hours away. behavioral therapy is working well- i'm mostly just having problems with detoxing from paxil and wellbutrin now- i'm tapering off paxil and am on zoloft steadily. it's getting better. i'm pretty short-tempered though, and that sucks, because i'm not usually like that. i'm definitely going to be looking for a new psychiatrist.
thanks for the thoughts, my friends. it means a lot.


New member
i'm glad things are getting better... how could a professional doctor put you in that kind of danger, i am glad you are looking for someone new. i am so sorry you had to go through that. like trying to stay healthy isn't hard enough, they have to go and make it harder... hold on there... we're all behind you 100%. i hope the eating is getting better... just take it one step at a time hunni!!!


Well-known member
have you ever considered finding a naturopath doctor to help detox your system...they would recommend a much more gentle detox regime than using drugs to remove other drugs *sigh.* (a flawed system for certain)

you are doing well!! keep patting yourself on the back & be grateful for the small things- they add up & become the bigs things that become everyday 'normal' behaviour.

whole grains, baked, not fried foods & healthy soups will help you avoid nausea. try eating very small amts every few hrs- fruits, veggies, grains, proteins.


Well-known member
i agree with the small amounts of food all the time

you're doing great

i would really suggest making eating a fun occasion like with friends and family laughing and talking...with ppl there to encourage you and help you things will get better


Well-known member
well, it's still going- i'm having to get adjusted to all sorts of things, and it's difficult. little stresses that i would normally laugh off seem huge- so it's going to be a long road to get back to "normal". food is really hard right now- i ate twice today, and have been sick twice. this is all a lot harder than i thought it would be.


New member
it's not going to be easy honey... but imagine when u get through it... you'll look back at the huge accomplishment and be so happy that you were able to put that part of your life behind you forever... things will get easier with time...


Well-known member
Marley - I wanted to let you know that I too am reading your posts. Coming forward and being open about your illness and treatment is so amazing. I am in awe of your self awareness and courage.

Please keep posting - anything - random thoughts, bad days, good days. As I am sure you are aware, all this business can really make you feel "off". Know that as you heal, things will get easier as you get stronger.

Don't give up... and don't forget we are here for you.



Well-known member
It's been a bad few weeks. I'm incredibly stressed out with work, buying a house, and this week my best friend told me he's moving several hours away- in three weeks. So I'm kind of a wreck.

And the food just won't stay in my body at all. I don't even have to do anything- I just have no desire to eat, what I do eat comes right up, and I don't want to get out of bed. Thank goodness for silly little things like my cats and playing with makeup and the internet- if this was real life, I wouldn't be able to be around a bunch of people. But here, I feel connected, but still safe. Anyone else like that?


Well-known member
I totally know what you mean. Sometimes I turn to the net because of its anonymous nature. I have found Specktra, particularly, to be very warm and welcoming. Definitely a refreashing change. Having pets as well is the most amazing therapy, imo. I was raised on a farm and when I moved to the city for school, I was pretty depressed. Last year, my SO and I rescued a kitty from the SPCA. He is the love of my life. Just playing with him and seeing that I can make him happy by loving him makes me happy. I have seen pics of your kitties and they are so cute. One of them has really cute white paws (I love paws for some reason)!
I am glad you are here and have found something to share with us all - love of makeup!! LOL - they weren't kidding when they called it retail therapy. Makeup is such an artistic outlet for me. I love Specktra because I can share that but like you, still feel safe. The world of forums seems to move a little slower - you can re-read, re-think, edit... or not say anything.

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