turquatic collection in June


Well-known member
does anyone know what will be in this collection? is parrot comming back in this collection?? (i'm hearing rumours it's comming back or being re-released under another name)

Julia Vanhorn

Well-known member
It is too tentative to tell at this point, unless you know someone with the inside connection. Most likely we will know something about it a month or two before the release date.


Well-known member
I heard the same rumor on MUA yesterday about Parrot's return w/Turquatic. (Possibly under a new name.) The person was supposedly told this by an MA, but I'm not going to count my chickens, er, parrots, until they've hatched. Heh. Sorry, I had to do that.


Well-known member

I asked on MAC Live Chat but she said she didn't know anything about the collection except that it's coming out in July. I specifically asked if Parrot/Kicky Blue was going to be in the collection and she said she didn't know.
I asked at our local counter, too, but they said they wouldn't know until they went to the next training. I'll keep trying to find out though


Active member
Originally Posted by midnightlouise
I heard the same rumor on MUA yesterday about Parrot's return w/Turquatic. (Possibly under a new name.) The person was supposedly told this by an MA, but I'm not going to count my chickens, er, parrots, until they've hatched. Heh. Sorry, I had to do that.

My MA told me the same thing, so it could be true!

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