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Tutorial Contest Winner June 2008: ~Requested Tutorial~WARM HEAT~


Well-known member
Originally Posted by feenin4makeup
Awesome job! Just wondering because I really need a color like this... what is the color above #8 (expensive pink)?

Thanks! It's cranberry.


Well-known member
this tut was truly outrageous...
truly truly truly outrageous.

whoa Tdoll.

I need to get my hands on expensive pink...its the only MAC eyeshadow I've [truly] wanted in a long while.

...I gotta stop saying the word "truly."
damn, there I go again.


Well-known member
I forgot to add, I adore your natural lashes. They are like POW long and feathery! you don't even need mascara you lucky girl!!!! Not that they don't look extra pretty with mascara because they def. do!