UK Release Dates Discussion - All Brands Welcome!


Well-known member
whyyyyyy do they release everything on the same day goddammit i cant afford to buy it all!
Ridiculous, isn't it! Good job I only want a couple of Paint Pots from the Baking Beauties collection, and I'm not keen on most of the Temperature Rising collection. Most of my money is going on Extra Dimension. I'm going to have to try telling myself I don't want anything from the other collections, apart from what I bought from Art Of The Eye, and Parrot which had sold out before I got to checkout. I hope the next few months are quiet months for MAC, although I doubt they will be


Well-known member
I'm not even that interested in ED anymore! I think I want a couple of EDES, but I'm just feeling a bit meh on everything else. I think having so long between Archie's and these collections has put a dampener on my enthusiasm for MAC. I'm going to be selling of bits of my collection tha I don't wear much, and I've started focusing more on other brands :(
I think it happens at to us all at some point, I used to be all over the MAC collections every month, having pre planned in advance what I wanted and racing to the counter on launch days, now I have a more well rounded collection, with other brands, I still like mac and I still pick bits up now and again, but I don't get upset if I miss anything, I am still not sure if I want anything from these collections, a couple of bits have got my attention, but I am not sure that I will actually get them yet.

I still can't believe the number of collections released at once, its scary! The number of time I bought things in 2011 and 2012 and never even opened the box to use them was also scary, I promised myself that I wouldn't do that this year and so far I have stuck to it, although I love hearing what everyone else bought!

This year I am aiming to use more items up than I purchase, primarily I am concentrating on finishing Mascaras up (i don't need 8 unopened back up tubes!) Lipglosses (I rarely reach for them and they have a shorter shelf life than other products) Lipsticks and foundations. I figured having a larger collection of Eyeshadow and Blush wasn't too bad as powder products will keep better than Cream/Liquid products. My Helmer is slowly getting less in it and I am managing to sell some bits on too, so hopefully by the end of the year I will be more in control.


Well-known member
I saw live swatches of ED and most of them looked blergh. I changed my mind against bB stuff in the end too. I'm getting a lipstick in the Chanel movie collection tomorrow which has me way more excited.
Ooh, what's this?

Edit: Just realised it's the Avant Premiere collecion. I'm such a dummy.


Well-known member
Because Debenhams has double points on beauty award winners does that mean the mac temp rising lipsticks will be double points or is it just the perm line?


Well-known member
Well if it's weird, then it applies to me too. I haven't actually ordered anything - I always said i wanted the dual skinfinishes and a few other things, but yesterday nothing really appealed at all. If anything I might get the paint pots that I haven't already got, but maybe not. I really do have too much makeup, and will never use it all up, and it seems silly to add more of the same to it.

Now the new Guerlain summer products - that might be different :) I am also liking the look of the YSL Saharienne summer products - and as they actually stock those in my nearest Debenhams, I could use my stored up points then :)


Well-known member
I just logged onto MAC this morning and was totally surprised by all the collections that were already up! And then I saw that the items that I was interested in, of course, were sold out. I guess it just shows me that I wasn't really crazy about any of it to begin with if I wasn't even aware that it had gone live, right?
I am still interested in one ED shadow and one skinfinish, although I had 2 Superbs that I sold so why am I even thinking of buying another one...? (The Disease)
But I guess I can pass on all the Heroine items, I will survive without Parrot, and I am not really crazy for anything in Temperature Rising (other than the packaging, LOL). This is where I would normally say "money saved" but I will wait and see what happens to me when I see them all in store......


Well-known member
Ooh, what's this?

Edit: Just realised it's the Avant Premiere collecion. I'm such a dummy.
Haha I couldn't remember its name off the top of my head. Ended up not getting the lipstick I wanted because it was too bright for me for day wear but I got another one instead. I'll go back for the one I like in the collection next month I think! Le Baiser is the one, it's bloody gorgeous!

Did anyone see the gelly nail polishes coming out in June from Barry M? I'm in love with the blue and the lime green one. (Picture Link)


Well-known member
Haha I couldn't remember its name off the top of my head. Ended up not getting the lipstick I wanted because it was too bright for me for day wear but I got another one instead. I'll go back for the one I like in the collection next month I think! Le Baiser is the one, it's bloody gorgeous!

Did anyone see the gelly nail polishes coming out in June from Barry M? I'm in love with the blue and the lime green one. (Picture Link)
Was Le Baiser the one you picked up then? I have a sample of it and it's really really pretty!


Well-known member
Was Le Baiser the one you picked up then? I have a sample of it and it's really really pretty!
I got Seduisante instead. It's a bit more wearable for me for day time! Looks like this in the bullet. It's so lovely! Le Baiser definitely is nice though and it's on my list to get when I get the Summer stuff so I can wear it on holiday. The lady in Debenhams was so nice, we spent almost an hour looking at different lipsticks that she tried on me! Most lipsticks seem to end up looking cool toned on me which I find really strange.


Well-known member
I got Seduisante instead. It's a bit more wearable for me for day time! Looks like this in the bullet. It's so lovely! Le Baiser definitely is nice though and it's on my list to get when I get the Summer stuff so I can wear it on holiday. The lady in Debenhams was so nice, we spent almost an hour looking at different lipsticks that she tried on me! Most lipsticks seem to end up looking cool toned on me which I find really strange.
Ooh, that one looks gorgeous for every day! My mum and I are going for Chanel makeovers in Debenhams tomorrow, but I want to buy some more stuff online this evening while the 10% off is still available since it ends tonight :(
I do love Chanel, and I'm really enjoying the slower pace of the collections so I can enjoy my purchases properly!


Well-known member
Well after a month hiatus from moving and having no internet, I came back to see the blush I wanted from ED collection has sold out so I won't be getting anything from that collection. May take a look at the baking beauties pearlmatte powders if they're still in stock on the 30th and possibly a couple lipsticks but if not, I guess I won't be getting anything.


Well-known member
The new collections are yet to launch at Debenhams and House of Fraser, so you haven't missed out yet.

Well after a month hiatus from moving and having no internet, I came back to see the blush I wanted from ED collection has sold out so I won't be getting anything from that collection. May take a look at the baking beauties pearlmatte powders if they're still in stock on the 30th and possibly a couple lipsticks but if not, I guess I won't be getting anything.


Well-known member
Hello! Newbie here: How likely is it that Debenhams or HOF will stock the majority of the items from the collections? I spent waaaaay too many pennies on the MAC site last night and forgot to pick up a few items that are now OOS. I thought I might be able to pick them up if they go on the other websites as I will have been paid again by then!? Sorry if this is a ridiculous question - I'm fairly new to the MAC bandwagon for LE Collection Items and have never noticed before the range of collection items stocked on other websites.


Well-known member
The only collection that's Mac online exclusive is the Art of the Eye, the other collections will be stocked by Debenhams and HoF, and Selfridges, Harrods, Bentalls, Harvey Nichols, etc.

Hello! Newbie here: How likely is it that Debenhams or HOF will stock the majority of the items from the collections? I spent waaaaay too many pennies on the MAC site last night and forgot to pick up a few items that are now OOS. I thought I might be able to pick them up if they go on the other websites as I will have been paid again by then!? Sorry if this is a ridiculous question - I'm fairly new to the MAC bandwagon for LE Collection Items and have never noticed before the range of collection items stocked on other websites.


Well-known member
Hello! Newbie here: How likely is it that Debenhams or HOF will stock the majority of the items from the collections? I spent waaaaay too many pennies on the MAC site last night and forgot to pick up a few items that are now OOS. I thought I might be able to pick them up if they go on the other websites as I will have been paid again by then!? Sorry if this is a ridiculous question - I'm fairly new to the MAC bandwagon for LE Collection Items and have never noticed before the range of collection items stocked on other websites.
Welcome to Specktra! I only joined a couple of days ago so I'm new here too. Out of the new Mac collections Debenhams and HoF should be getting Fashion Sets, Baking Beauties, Extra Dimension and Temperature Rising. The only one they won't be getting is Art of the Eye which I believe is a Mac online exclusive although it was also available at select Mac stores in the US but I'm not sure if that will be the case here. Somebody please correct me if I am wrong about any of this. I've spent a fortune on the Mac site aswell but I've since decided I also want to get Heroine lipstick which is sold out. So I'm hoping I can get it from Debenhams when it launches. Do we know when the collections are likely to go up?

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