Ultra Cheek?


Well-known member
Everyone has been doing their Culturebloom hauls...but has anyone purchased anything from Ultracheek yet? Or seen it in person yet? I've been sitting here here looking at Jude's swatches saying "oh, i want that...and that...and that..." but I haven't even taken the new blushes into account yet!


Well-known member
When I placed my order, I had a ton of stuff from Ultra Cheek on the list but was told that it was not going to be released for a few weeks! I hope it is a mistake and that I can just pick up the beauties when they are released nationally on Thursday. <silent prayer>


Well-known member
i'm so excited for Ultra Cheek, i really hope it doesnt come out later than Culturebloom


Well-known member
I think it did get delayed. I have no idea when it will launch. I was talking to the manager at my counter yesterday and she intimated that it would be delayed. I could be wrong but that was the impression I got.


Well-known member
I saw them. I was at MAC yesterday and the MA let me peek at the new stuff and there was all the Culturebloom stuff and then there were like 6 new blushes and they were all sheertone shimmers as well as like 4 new glimmershimmers. It was all very cute. The blushes were kind of neutral shades of browns and pinks. The glimmershimmers were something I just kind of glanced at but I remember pink and coral. There was no mention of a delay.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by depecher
I think it did get delayed. I have no idea when it will launch. I was talking to the manager at my counter yesterday and she intimated that it would be delayed. I could be wrong but that was the impression I got.

Urrrrrgh. I hope this isn't another situation to mirror the whole Paintstrokes delay issue. Darien at Pro said a few weeks but I am going to close my eyes and pray that she is wrong, even though she is never wrong about release dates. Eeeep!


Well-known member
my counter in hawaii has everything for it already i seen it ALL!!!it looks gooood!i cant wait....they told me its launching on thursday when culturebloom gets released!


Well-known member
It could totally just be my counter. We never got Pinkocracy. The MA's are still waiting for their tool belts as well. The counter has only been open since late October and they could be under the radar.

That reply was for Jude. I have obviously NOT had enough coffee this morning. Oops!