Ultracheek blushes might be perm???


Well-known member
I went to the Culturebloom preview night @ the Pro store in LA and they give you a check list with the names of the items in the new collection. Well they had a section with the Ultracheek stuff and they had the names of the glimmershimmers and the names of the blushes twice but one of them had a PP at the end which stands for Pro Palette (IIRC, that's what an MA told me once) So I'm assuming that they're going to be perm BUT don't get mad if I'm wrong. I'll try and take a clear pic of the check list tomorrow morning.


Well-known member
Some of them will be added to the permanent collection, I think.

This is the information posted on an earlier thread on here about Ultra Cheek:

Shy Angel- Light Pink with silver pearl - LE
Flirt & Tease- Deep Purple with silver pearl
Sweet As Cocoa- Chocolate Brown with gold pearl
Springsheen- light peach with gold pearl - LE
Peachtwist- Golden Tawny peach
Dollymix- Mid-tone pink - REPROMOTE

Here's a link to the thread, see post #18:http://www.specktra.net/forum/showthread.php?t=37405&


Well-known member
yayyy I only want Peachtwist from that collection and it's a permanent! long live my wallet


Well-known member
I've just checked the thread where swatches of upcoming collections were posted in a MAC update book.... (i.e. here:http://www.specktra.net/forum/showthread.php?t=37976)

Dollymix has a circle by it, which means repromote (I think)
Shy Angel has a triange, which means LE (I think)
and all the others have squares which means permanent (I think)

So Springsheen may also be permanent.