University Essay! I NEED HELP!!!


Well-known member
Okay so I am currently a community college student and I plan on transfering to the University of San Francisco September 2007. That means I need to have my application in by Feb. 1, 2007. I'm one of those people who has to plan ahead so I was looking at the essay for the application already and I'm sooo stumped!

USF is a very expensive private Jesuit Catholic school in San Francisco, which is why I'm planning on going there because private schools ... especially Jesuit schools ... give you A LOT of money in financial aid. Another thing is I'm Muslim ... which will come into plan when I explain the essay.

So the essay topic is how will I help USF achieve their mission. Their mission is to promote learning in the Jesuit Catholic tradition. AAAHHH this freaked me out. haha now I went to Catholic school all my life and loved it so I was thinking of talking about my positive experience in Catholic school. But I honestly don't know how a Muslim can help them achieve their mission of promoting learning in a Jesuit Catholic tradition!

Maybe I'm looking at the question in a freaked out manner, anyone have any thoughts or ideas on it? Any help would be great!


Well-known member
Look for the common threads in the catholicism and islam.

I think it will really impress them if you find a bunch of common threads and it doesn't have to be some nitpicky crap. It's the nitpicky crap that gets people in trouble. Look more towards the main ideas. The universal ideas.

For Example: One of the things you and I personally agree on is we both want peace in the middle east.

We disagree on how to get the peace in the middle east.

We therefore have a common goal.

So take the common goals put them on a peice of paper then with those common goals start funneling in how you can promote learning through these common goals.

I think as a muslim you would be a great asset personally and they will probably be very impressed that you can find some way to balance your beliefs with your desire to learn.