

Well-known member
We had an appointment yesterday & while we were hoping for an ultrasound - we didn't get to have one.
We did get to hear the heartbeat though. My son was in the room & his face just lit up. It was rapid little heartbeat with an occasional blip of static. The pauses, the nurse explained, were due to the baby either flipping positions or doing somersaults. It was incredible. The Dr. measured my little belly & said everything looked good. I was happy to report that I've been feeling MUCH better. My bouts of nausea are happily few & far between. Mostly I just seem to be tired. I think a large part of that is because we work so hard with my son (getting him adjusted, homework, & just being parents to a crazy 9 year old boy in general) is very exhausting.

I spoke with my Dr. about VBAC (vaginal birth after c-section) & he said that my mother's problems with dilation probably have nothing to do with my own difficulties dilating with my son. So, I am a relatively good candinate as of so far, but obviously we'll find out more as my pregnancy progresses & labor comes around. All in all, though, the appointment was short, to the point, & full of good news. Being as I was starving, that was a good thing.

I've been becoming more & more addicted to watching the Discovery Channel's 'Special Delivery' show. Getting myself all good & emotional, lol. My son would pass in & out of the living room asking random questions about what I was watching here & there. Next thing I know he's grabbing a blanket & plopping on the couch. "Let's snuggle & watch the babies being born". I couldn't believe I was hearing that from him. I had to reassure when they make the incision to the moms receiving a c-section (it's not TOO graphic, mind you) the moms have a medication that makes them very numb. Then he & I cringe & hold hands when they show a mom giving birth vaginally. He'll tell me he doesn't want me to have to feel pain, so the c-section (getting 'the cut' he calls it) might be better. I tell him that it was tough for me to heal from the incision from his birth. He considers that for a second, & tells me that he guesses I'd better push hard so that it's over quick.

I sure do love that boy.


Dave & him have made a habit of talking to my belly now. It's the most adorable thing. My son's 9 years old & all boy, with that comes talking about farts & poop nonstop. So, he'll grab my hips & ask the baby if he's pooping. It's so funny. Then Dave will give my belly kisses at night when we're in bed. I still don't know why it took 10 years for me to conceive, but, I don't think it could have happened at a better time. It certainly does appear, that things do happen for a reason. Our lives are hectic, full of excitement, & busy...but we are together & that makes me feel whole. I, my friends, for once in my entire life...couldn't be happier.




Well-known member
I'm glad all is going well and that you are so happy. This baby is very lucky to have such a cool mom.


Well-known member
Awwww, I'm so glad things are coming together for you guys. Reading your post gave me such a happy feeling.


Well-known member
Oh my God, Devin, you look so beautiful!!! I am so very happy for you. Sounds like your son is extremely excited. I bet he is going to be a HUGE help once the baby comes home. I am glad to hear that you are happy and everything is going well. I will call you soon. Big Hugs!


Well-known member
Sounds like everything is just falling into place for you. I'm very happy for you! Also your update & that picture on the bottom is just beautiful Devin! Congrats again


Well-known member
Aww... That's so exciting!!
I'm really happy for you, and I hope the rest of the pregnancy goes super smooth.

Ms. Z

Well-known member
OK, stop it! You are making me cry at work. I am so happy for all of you. Your son is too cute, you look beautiful. xoxo


Well-known member
Aww that is so cute = ). He is well aware of things at such a young age. Being a mom is the most beautiful thing in the world.

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