Originally Posted by saniyairshad
Those creatures A.K.A guys, DO NOT realize when they hurt is and how harsh some times the simplest words can be towards our feelings. what I would say is confront him and ask him how could u be so insensitive? I asked u a simple question and u have no right to be like that. I guess the best way I deal with my fiancee when he hurts my feelings is by confronting him and letting him know. And I know they think they're not hurting us but they don't realize females are more sensitive.
Um. Wait. Insensitive? No, he wasn't being insensitive, he was being
honest. He has every right and yes even a responsibility to be
honest with his partner.
Females are NOT more sensitive...that's a huge overstatement. There
are women who are more sensitive than men, but there are also many many women who are simply not that sensitive.
It's a huge disservice to men to consistently ask questions like
"Do these pants make me look fat?" (No, your ass makes you look fat) "No honey you look great!!" *big smile*
"Honey will you love me if I fall off a bridge tomorrow and am a quadriplegic for the rest of my life?" (We've been dating six months, I'm out of here you start needing to breath through a tube.) "Of course honey! You're my everything!"
"Baby will you still love me in fifty years?" (Who knows what the future holds? But I'm going to try...) "Of course my widdle muffin wuffin...i wubs joo."
And not allow them to answer the questions honestly and candidly.
Truth be told, I know I want to be with my husband, and I know I want to go to bed with him and wake up beside him every morning but in ten years am I going to feel the same way? I hope so. I really do. That hope and the desire to feel the same way is what drives me to make sure I DO feel the same way.
Ladies, stop putting your men between a rock and hard place. He's damned if he does and damned if he doesn't...because if he's honest he's an insensitive dick, and if he's not honest, then if the relationship fails his words are thrown in his face. In short, don't ask questions merely for validation, unless you're able to handle hearing the opposite of what you want to hear as well as not.
MissPumpkin, as Taj said, he loves you now, revel in THAT, because the NOW is what we have. We aren't promised tomorrow, by anyone.