Urban Decay Wallpaper Shadow Box


Well-known member
Although I haven't tried this shadow box I'm no stranger to UD shadows and they are the bomb. My only gripe is that some of their shadows have lots of glitter. Their selection is so vast, though, you can find plenty of others you'll just love. Midnight Cowboy is a glitter fest, everyone says, but it's also like their biggest seller. You owe it to yourself to check them out!


Well-known member
I have most of those colors in other pallets and they are fantastic. Of course, UD is my favorite line. The only shadow in that box that is prone to glitter explosion is Midnight Cowboy. it is their best seller, but I'm not a fan of that much glitter. If you're just starting on UD then it is a decent box--but the Book of Shadows for $11 more has an AMAZING selection too.

Edit: Ditzy me reread that and thought, "Duh, BOS is Holiday" Sorry! But it is a good set.


Well-known member
I bought this palette and like everyone said... midnight cowboy contains massive amounts of glitter. It ends up all over my face. Other than that, the other colors are gorgeous and really easy to work with. I really like this palette and its the first one I've bought from UD.


Well-known member
It was the first one I bought from UD many moons ago and I still love it now. Uzi and Midnight Cowboy are the most glitter-all-over-face colours.