Urgent Help needed!!!!!!!


Well-known member
(This is Houston and Texas area) this is very sad and heart breaking.... please help if you can. if not pass on to others.... Below, more than 100 dogs who are victims of Hurricane Ike will be euthanized on Saturday if not adopted or taken in for fostering BY FRIDAY NIGHT!!!!

Picasa Web Albums - Maile - MCAS Second C...


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Well-known member
Hilly -

Can you please give us more information? Like who has these dogs and a website with a contact phone number? We need more info. to be able to help these dogs out!



Well-known member
it's heart breaking seeing all those pups... I have two puppies and I don't know what i would do without them. it's sad how people have no choice but to give them up or when pups have no one to take them in...

I wish each one of those dogs get adopted.


Well-known member
Oh I am SO glad to hear they've been adopted -- I hope it's true!

My heart totally sank looking at those pictures of all their sweet little faces.
I was going to get my 2nd dog from a breeder, but I think I'm going to get a rescue instead.. there are tons of dogs that need a loving forever home, I would love to help one of them out.


Well-known member
Yes I hope it is true too!! Cause I was franticly trying to get more info. from the web and that is when I came across the 2nd post.

MACLovin - please go to a shelter and get your second dog there. I have done animal rescue for two years, fostered cats/kittens and found them new homes. I had to quit cause it was breaking my heart the stories and sights I saw! So many animals are put down because they are unable to find good homes.

People need to get their pets spay and neutered, it sure would keep the numbers down. I love animals and will always help while I am able!

thanks to all that do the same.


Well-known member
good update!

I hope it still brings awareness of the need for adoptions post ike! Especially of the Feline persuasion


Well-known member
The sad thing is this isn't just now happening, the south is a very high kill area for dogs & cats. These animals are gassed! Not euthanized via IV. South Carolina still uses the "heart stick". If you can't adopt you can donate to places that help rescue and foster animals.

Saving Georgia Dogs - Welcome
Winging Cat Rescue
Critter Crossings is based out of Cali. The founder, Julie is amazing.
There are many other sites just google your area and you'll see.


Well-known member
Adopting a pet and saving their life is THE MOST rewarding thing I have done. I love my girl (even tho she is naughty sometimes


Well-known member
I thank God everyday for my kitty who was adopted from a shelter. He is one of the best things that has ever happened to me. I wish that I could adopt more but I donate some money and my time at a local shelter so I feel that I am doing a small part in helping. Although I wish I could do much more.


Well-known member
Coachkitten, your avatar kitty looks like my Grover!!


don't know why she is sitting on top of the tv like that....I think it's what cats do when their parents are at work


Well-known member
I too am very passionate about trying to help animals out. I only adopt and will never support pet stores. I got Mojo at the SPCA when i was 13, and i can honestly say she is the greatest thing to happen to me. I would be a diffrent person had she never come into my life.

That being said, they found another horrible puppy mill in Quebec today. Please don;t buy from pet stores. Most animals are supplied by mills. Quebecers, please put pressure on our government. We live in a breading ground for animal cruelty.