using UDPP under lipstick


Well-known member
Is it safe to use UDPP under lipstick as a primer? I have trouble keeping my lipstick on for more than 30 minutes. By the end of the hour, it's already faded. Does UDPP under lipstick help with the staying power? Has anyone tried this?

Any recommendations on some good lip primers? I've recently been really into lipsticks and I want to know a great way to keep them looking fresh and nice on my lips.


Well-known member
UPDD won't do anything but make your lipstick slide off faster.

Do you use lipliner, and if you do, do you apply it all over the lip or just around the edges? A dry lipliner (i.e. a pencil that isn't waxy or glossy) applied all over the lip gives a firm base of colour.

The type of lipstick is also a major factor as to how long your lipstick will stay on. A gloss or lustre lipstick is going to move quickly no matter what you do whereas a good matte will last for hours.


Well-known member
Well I've been on a tight budget so I've used some NYX lipsticks and they fade so quickly.

I only outline my lipliner so maybe i'll start filling it in. Would a p/p like Painterly help keep my lipstick intact?

Thanks for the help btw

TamEva Le Fay

Well-known member
Yes I agree UDPP will only dry out your lips.

Are you doing the blot method when applying your lipsticks, where you apply your lippie then blot on a Kleenex, apply again, then blot, and then apply again?

This method usually is foolproof, I also use MAC's Eyebrow Finisher in clear before I apply my liner.

The Clear Eyebrow Finisher works wonderfully under the bottom lashes when/if you apply your powder eyeshadows as a keeps them from running.


Well-known member
I have used UDPP on lips once before, and I agree it's a little drying.

I only used the tiniest amount around my lipline (not the whole lips) and that was becuase I was wearing Brave Red lipstick which feathered on me when I wore it previously. It did stop the feathering though when using UDPP.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by L1LMAMAJ
I only outline my lipliner so maybe i'll start filling it in. Would a p/p like Painterly help keep my lipstick intact?


If your issue is fading and sliding, avoid using emollients under your lipstick. Emollient lipstick + emollient base = twice the slide.


Well-known member
I was always told that you could either use a sponge with foundation residue or pressed/loose powder as a base for your lips and it would help lipstick's an old school trick, HTH!


Well-known member
I've used UDPP on my lips before. I did UDPP, lipliner, then lipstick.

It works, but DAMN it'll make your lips D-R-Y!


Well-known member
I actually contacted UD about using UDPP on the lips. This was there response:

Thank you for your inquiry. The Primer Potion is not formulated to be used on the lips, however a few of our customer do use this product on the lips and they have said it works wonders and keeps the lip product from feathering.

I actually tried it and like it. My lip color went on well, wore well and came off easily when I took off my makeup. I did make sure to put on a lip balm, lightly beforehand. I let the lip balm adsorb into my lips for about 5 min. and then applied the UDPP and my lip color. Note that you only need a small amount of the UDPP.


Well-known member
I've heard a lot of good things about Laura Gellers Lip Spackle - it can be purchased at Sephora. Unfortunately I'm no were near a Sephora, and I personally haven't tried it.

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