Vacation in Washington State


Active member
Hey there. My SO and I will be relocating to WA, somewhere in the Tacoma area. Are there any free standing MAC stores? Where's the good shopping? Seattle area? Tks!


Well-known member
No freestanding, no pro either as far as i'm aware... Tacoma has a counter, olympia has one and there are a few in seattle..


Well-known member
The nearest freestanding store and Pro stores are in Vancouver Canada, about 2-3 hours away. This area is the home of Nordstrom, so just about every mall has one. We do have Macy's now, but most do not have a MAC except on in the state capital, Olympia.

Like, coachkitten said, there's also a CCO just north of Seattle in an outlet mall right next to a casino. I'm planning a day outing with a group of friend (ok, SW nerds) so they can gamble and I can shop. :p

Welcome to Washington!


Well-known member
The nice thing about the Seattle area is that you can't throw a rock without hitting a Nordstroms or a Starbucks. Every Nordies has a MAC counter. Go to the Bellevue Square mall in Bellevue (aka "Bell Square" to the locals). Veeeery nice mall. I grew up near there. They have a nordies with a MAC (that is where my addiction started) and a huge Sephora. Have fun girl!

P.S. Coachkitten is a sweetie! She can hook you up with the MAC info!