
Glam Girl

I have never seen such unprofessionalism in a makeup department manager at Nordstorms until today. I applied for a job at the MAC counter about 4 weeks ago and had my interview with her a week from last Tuesday (which I had to make several calls to even get her to see me). I called a few times since then and she blew me off, saying she didn't know anything yet. Well, to make a long story short, I called today and she picked up. She told me she had no positions at the MAC counter and that the one that was open is being kept by someone who decided to stay. I'm thinking to myself while I'm on the phone with her - "why the hell didn't you call me 2 days ago then?" Anyway, I told her I would be interested in working another counter and she wouldn't tell me what was available and said she was in the middle of speaking with someone else and would call me this evening.

Well, as you well know, she never called.

Her loss! I will never work for them even if they do end up calling. I don't want to work with someone who has no people skills.

I have thought about calling the hiring manager for the store though and letting her know how this was handled. What do you think?


Well-known member
I absolutely think you should. MAC is big on customer service and would probably be very interested to know this. Make sure you give them details, so they know you aren't just a disgruntled interviewee.

For the sake of your sanity and the sake of her staff (if she treats you this way she can't be a very good manager), you should make the call. Who knows, maybe this will be the straw that breaks the camel's back.

I strongly encourage you to take a stand.

PS: Sorry to hear you didn't get the position, although it sounds like a blessing in disguise...


Well-known member
I have worked in the Nordstrom Cosmetics department before for Clinique and I know that that is something that the Cosmetics department manager would be interested in hearing. They take that very seriously and they could even connect you to or relay your concerns to the district manager for that areas MAC counters.

Well it is their loss! I hope that you get an even better job now!


Well-known member
i just thought to re-apply at my Nordies... and after about 2 weeks of not hearing anything I decided to call... well since I am working at a jewelery store in the mall... and nordie's sells fine jeweler( not even in my loca) that is was a confict of interest.... i was mad... but like CoachK said... maybe it's a good thing... that just sucks for now... Glam.... don't give up...


Well-known member
Yes Please Don't Give Up
. I Would Definitely Do What Wattage Has Suggested And File A Complaint Worthy Of A Serious Investigation By MAC! :deal:


Well-known member
You should definitely file a complaint. Her behavior is not acceptable, especially for a manager.

Glam Girl

Ok, here's what happened. I spoke with the store manager yesterday morning and explained to her what was going on. She said that the cosmetics manager was being totally inappropriate. She said she would ask her what was going on with my application (without giving away that I had called) and have her call me back. Well, she did call later in the afternoon, and she was a total Bitch! She was very abrubt and said "what we have is an opening for Shisedo, and they want someone who is very experienced. I will give your application to the Bobbi Brown Rep. and we'll see what happens". She then went on to say (very rudely) "I am leaving for the day, I won't be in tomorrow, and I have meetings on Monday, so I don't know when I will get this to the rep., so you will have to wait for me to call you".

I just said thanks and hung up. Obviously the store manager gave her a little talk, or she wouldn't have called or had that attitude. Now, I really don't want to work there. I was very professional throughout this whole matter, and I know I can find somewhere else to work. It just bothers me that this woman thinks she can treat people this way.

Any how, I just wanted to let everyone know what happened. I appreciate all of your support


Well-known member
Glam Girl
you handled yourself very well

I would of blew up on the phone. She obviously needs to get another job if she's not happy there. Just grace your present some place else then.


Well-known member
I HATE when people with a little authority act that way. I had a similar experience with the cosmetics manager of a Bay location here in Toronto.

This was not for a MAC position, it was for any of the counters she managed (there was a MAC one there, but I knew that they were not hiring at the time). It was the same story with her, it took me forever to get an interview with her, then after that, she never called me back!! HELLO. At least have the professionalism to tell me that I didn't get the job...after me leaving numerous messages for her to tell me the outcome either way! I didn't complain to anyone....but I thank God I didn't get a job with her....


Well-known member
You definitely dodged a bullet! If you were hired I assume you'd have to be seeing/working with this woman on a somewhat regular basis! I can't imagine! I also can't imagine how she was hired/isn't fired yet. Anyone who works in any kind of sales position, even as a manager has ONE top priority- working with people, and this woman is failing miserably!


Well-known member
Don't feel bad. In the non-makeup world, employers are just as bad, if not worse, on calling you to let you know that you didn't get the job. I don't think any of the interviewers I had called me back to let me know, but I ended up with a better job than they all had to offer, anyway, so neener neener.

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