Very Fair Mistakes


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What is the worst thing a Fair/Pale person can do with their skin care/ makeup choices? For that matter, what is the worst choice for anyone? What should people new to wearing makeup NEVER do. Not wearing sunscreen is #1 IMO.



Well-known member
Originally Posted by hollybwright
What should people new to wearing makeup NEVER do. Not wearing sunscreen is #1 IMO.

I dont think thats clear...I mean that a person should always wear sunscreen. Not wearing it is a mistake.



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I think sharing any type of eye liners, mascara would be a no-no in my book. I never do it


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I think the worst thing people with very fair skin is to not wear sunscreen, like you stated. I use spf 50 every day all year.
I think people with fair skin should avoid using bronzer, I've seen it looking quite bizarre on some girls before...I also think a more matte look looks better on fair skin, glowing skin somehow looks abit reflective if you havent got a tan...other than that, depends on your colouring - I think brown eyeliner looks better on fair blondes than black.
Also, I definately agree with finding the right foundation, nothing worse than an orange face and a white neck! It's always better to go lighter rather than darker if you cant find a perfect match. MAC doesn't have a very good selection of foundations for very fair skin, Bobbi Brown has a great range.


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Originally Posted by Aevalin
IMHO the worst things a PPP can do is wear a foundation that's the wrong colour.

totally agree!!! nothing worse than an orangey foundation line around the face...bleh....!

Beauty Mark

Well-known member
I hate when people wear blush that's way too dark and not blended well. It still wouldn't look right because of how dark it is, but the blending just makes it all the worse.

Shaping your eyebrows if you have a strong contrast between your hair and skin. I'm not particularly pale and it's pretty obvious when there are stray hairs.

SPF is a must for anyone, but particularly people who are pale. Also, if you feel you must have a tan, make sure you get a good fake one, not that orangey stuff.

Unless you really want a dramatic, severe look, dark makeup isn't what you should go for.

Try foundation, don't just buy the lightest. Besides being possibly too dark, it might not match your undertones properly.

Maybe not necessarily for fair skin, but for people with light hair, they really look better with slightly darker brows. Not black but something that makes it look like they have them.
I would say...

1. Sunscreen (this goes for anyone, from palest pale to blackest brown)

2. Easy on the blush! It can be obvious, just not "wow, look at her blush!" obvious. Make sure you blend well, as it will show up more easily on your light skin than someone with darker skin.

3. Foundation shade thats too dark. If you are pale and want to get darker, don't do it using foundation. Get a professional fake tan or use a good self tanner at home. A darker foundation will just look horrible on light skin.

4. Brown lipstick. Dark lipstick can look stunning on pale people, (like reds, wines and berries) but browns should be avoided or very carefully selected. I'd say that most of the time, lipsticks with a heavy brown color to them should stay on people with darker skin tones. Its okay for light skinned people to wear reds or pinks with brown in them...but nothing that is predominately brown.


Well-known member
I have seen this in both the fair and darker skin people and it hits a nerve with me. Dying your hair the wrong shade will make you look more washed out.

I have seen fair skinned people with blue undertones dye their pure gold blonde. Not only does the hair look totally fake, but their skin looks washed out. A clue that you are dying your hair the wrong color = you are having to put too much color on your face somewhere to create a contrast.

This brings me to the next point, do not use the wrong shade of foundation. Some folks do not check the undertone of foundations. They automatically think because they are fair, they need the lightest in whatever brand. The lightest in a certain brand may have a pink undertone and you need yellow. You will look ghostly. Test the foundation on your skin and see if it melts in with your skin. Don't try to make yourself darker with foundation. That will make you look strange.

I tend to see that most woman are drawn to cool colored hair (highlights) and makeup. If you are already fair, you need to make sure that you are not washing yourself out with the wrong undertones of makeup colors. Just because you like fuschia, doesn't mean it looks good on your warm toned skin.

In some cases, too pale of lipstick will wash out some fair skinned people.

God didn't make orange skinned people. Give it up. If you like orange, eat one. Please don't make your skin look orange. It screams, "I hate my natural skin color".

Not blending makeup on a fair skinned person is really taboo. It looks like you are wearing cheap makeup.

If you are looking ghostly, you are not wearing the right shades and/ or dying your hair the wrong color. It's all about undertones.

Too much whitish (non-human skin tone) powder will make anyone look on dead side, change that powder to a human one that matches your skin tone. Use an appropriate amount. If you pat on four layers of extremely pale - whitish looking powder and/or foundation, don't blame your fair skin for looking like you have been embalmed.

Uhhhhhhhhhh, dying your hair pitch black till it shines blue on the very fair doesn't look natural. If you are naturally a red head or blond and you dye your hair Ink Black that shines indigo blue in the sun, your skin will look unnaturally fair. Think morgue. However, if that's the look you want, go for it.

Tanning to look like you are another race does not work. If you are naturally fair, tanning is temporary. You will go back to your skin tone in no time, but with damage. This damage may not be seen now, but will be in the near future. Accept you are a fair person. It's okay to be a fair person. It really is. Question why you don't like your fair skin and who and/or what made you feel like your skin needs to be tanned and damaged. You can not change your genetics. You were made the way you are accept yourself. Don't try to look or be anything else.

These are the opinions of the Sparklingwaves.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by flowerhead
...I also think a more matte look looks better on fair skin, glowing skin somehow looks abit reflective if you havent got a tan...

What do you think about rosy glowing snow princess looks on fair skin?


Well-known member
These pictures are complete opposites to me.

One is more realistic and the other is extreme photoshop.

The left is more natural makeup (brown eyeliner, nude and gold eyeshadow, subtle mascara, light foundation, peach blush, shimmery lips, and eyebrows filled in with shadow). This very young girl is not extremely fair. Her hair appears to be a natural blonde shade. She looks to have some freckles and warmth to her skin. This girl has enough color to her hair and face to wear little color. It looks like color may have been added to the foundation to give a dewy look to the skin. Also, notice the lighting is warm. Lighting can wash out a complexion or add life to it.

The right picture is more vivid and has dramatic cool toned makeup. The face is extremely fair from photoshop. The hair looks like a platinum wig to me. The blush is a cool tone pink with shimmer. Notice that the makeup is brighter to give color. Otherwise with the whitish hair and face, there would be no contrast. It would be a blank white sheet. All the color is given by the makeup. Hence, look at what MAC can make you look like - "a living doll". It's a marketing thing and it worked very well. No one looks like this without photoshop, lighting, and a lot of makeup.

I have never heard that the fair skin can't wear shimmer. I wear it all the time. Bling Bling. Everything shows up on me very well indeed. I have heard that age plays a part in how much glitter one can wear.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by hollybwright
What do you think about rosy glowing snow princess looks on fair skin?

I think shimmery/rose blushes can look very pretty on pale skin, and you can highlight your bone structure but you should just keep shine/moisture off the face unless you want to look like a sweaty drug adict
It works on tanned skin for some reason, just not fair skin in my opinion


Well-known member
left picture: this girl obviously tanned/selftanned...and i love the peach matte finish.
right picture: a lot of people have this pale of an complexion and it's cooler than the left one, the glowy finish makes her look like she just ran trough the snow- beautiful!!!
i love both!
(they both apply to me-lol)
The worst mistake that pale people do is NOT wear blush, because they are scared of colour and they don't have a clue about application!! I always so girls with made up eyes and lips but no's very sad considering that there are gazillions of soft and sheer blushes


Well-known member
Late to the party but this is an interesting thread that deserves resurrection!

ITA that sunscreen is necessary for everyone, not just those with light skin. However, those of us with less melanin in our skins are more prone to sun damage such as wrinkles and discoloration so we have to be more careful than our more pigmentally-gifted sisters.

Also agree that it's easy to make foundation blunders when you're fair. I remember always buying the lightest foundation that a line offered; had no ideas about undertones or if I needed something with more pink or more yellow. Ack! I must've been a sight!

When I switched to Studio Tech, I was matched at a MAC store as NC20. I bought it but wasn't happy because it seemed too yellow. So I got kind of anal about it and bought NW15 and NW20. NW20 seems to be the better match but those old habits of just buying the lightest foundation die very hard. Currently I mix 1 part NW15 with three parts NW20 and that works best but I think I could use NW20 off the shelf without any problems.

Similarly, I find myself almost falling into the trap of going too light when I buy powder. When I got my first natural MSF, I asked to try both Light and Light Medium. Light was way too chalky but Light Medium was just right.

Another fair makeup crime is going too heavy on the color. A previous poster mentioned blush but it can be anything---eyeshadow, brows, lips, whatever. I think a fair-complected person can wear any color he or she wishes but it has to be applied correctly---light hand for light skin---more can be appied if necessary. Conversely, it's a shame to see lighter people skip color altogether---again, the secret is in the application rather than in the color itself.

Interesting thread!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by kelticmaddox

4. Brown lipstick. Dark lipstick can look stunning on pale people, (like reds, wines and berries) but browns should be avoided or very carefully selected. I'd say that most of the time, lipsticks with a heavy brown color to them should stay on people with darker skin tones. Its okay for light skinned people to wear reds or pinks with brown in them...but nothing that is predominately brown.

I totally second this motion.

Nobody wants a muddy mouth!!


Well-known member
I have seen a new trend and it isn't flattering. It's tanning just your legs and leaving the rest of the body very fair. Maybe these folks are using bronzer everyday to make their legs the color of very deep rust. I could understand a shade or two darker, but not five more shades darker.


Well-known member
But you know, I love my skin, I love that it's fair and I'm happy with the color---still, it's not easy to go out in the summer with bare, pasty white legs! So I tried one of the moisturizers that adds color. It added color, alright. After using it for a couple of days, my legs were visibly darker than the rest of my skin. I suppose I could have used the product all over to darken my skin but if I'm going to go that far, I might as well use a self-tanning product.

Maybe this trend of super-dark legs is partly due to overusing these moisturizers and the women who do so simply aren't aware of how dark their legs are getting. I know I won't use these moisturizers again.

I love dark skintones on those who were lucky enough to be born with them but I also am going to work with what I have and embrace the pale, legs and all. I'm thinking of applying face and body makeup to my legs, at least when I'm wearing a skirt or dress, just to even out the skintone and hopefully enhance, not hide, my skin.


Well-known member
I'm just now starting to embrace my fair complexion. I used to tan, tan, tan until I was glowing orange. Yuck. Now it's still hard, because in the summer I like to look tan, but those moisturizers never worked for me, and skin cancer is not cool.

I would say that fake baking (in all instances, but ESPECIALLY PPP girls) is a huge no no. It looks BAD.

Also, esp. if you are fair, you really need to blend, blend, blend your foundation. So many times I see girls walking around with the dreaded 'line' around their jawbone.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by dmenchi
The worst mistake that pale people do is NOT wear blush, because they are scared of colour and they don't have a clue about application!! I always so girls with made up eyes and lips but no's very sad considering that there are gazillions of soft and sheer blushes

I totally agree. I used to be scared of wearing blush because I wasn't sure I could apply it without looking like a clown. Then I got really sick, and one day when I was back at school, feeling the best I had felt in a long time, a teacher asked if I was feeling faint, because I looked so pale. That kicked me into gear pretty fast!

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