Very nervous..i have my 1st driving test tomorrow! :(


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Well-known member
good luck! Dont be scared - just do your best and do something to relax before you go into it... if I can get a driver's lisence anybody really can.


Well-known member
yeah dont be nervous. i was and i failed my 1st time. lol. and when u make a left turn make sure that u stay on the left sid when u get to the other street. does that make sense?


Well-known member
Good luck to will do just fine, just stay focused and have confidence in yourself!!! Let us know how it went!!!


Well-known member
I hope I'm not too late to send you some good vibes! But you'll be fine, don't be nervous. I was quite nervous when I went for mine because I waited until I was almost 18 to get it because I was (and still am, truthfully) so scared of driving. When I got in the car with the test administrator, I just kind of made some lame joke and then I felt more at ease. Just be super careful and do what you would normally do when driving, just 100x more anally focused on the law. They love that stuff!


Well-known member
Hey guys..i failed but i actually drove SO well, i've never driven so well solidly for a specific amount of time. I made just ONE silly mistake and if i had just looked up to see i need to stop before the instructor stopped me then i would have passed as i did everything perfectly apart from that. Oh well i'm annoyed about that but i don't feel upset about it as i drove so well and i thought i would drive worse rather than better on my 1st test. I'm going to try to book the next one soon as possible.


Well-known member
Hey don't worry!

IMHO it all depends on the instructor and his mood!

When I had my driving test I stalled the engine twice & I parked sooo bad! I was even so stubborn that I drove the car back to the parking lot we started between a bus and a wall! And there were just 2 inches between the outside mirrors and the wall/bus!!!

And in the end the instructor and my driving teacher yelled at me!! But I passed...

So you can see that it can get worse but it's possible!


Well-known member
Yes Mel it was ALL your fault!

I've booked my next one which is in a month and will be phoning up to grab any cancellations. I think this is one it starts to get frustrating, you're ready to pass you just need to find the moment and not mess up.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Sushi_Flower
Yes Mel it was ALL your fault!

I've booked my next one which is in a month and will be phoning up to grab any cancellations. I think this is one it starts to get frustrating, you're ready to pass you just need to find the moment and not mess up.

Don't Worry My Sister You Will Pass The Next Time I Am Believing In You


Active member
I failed my first test too because of a stop sign. According to the instructor I didn't come to a complete stop. I still say I did but... whatever. I tried to argue with her but she was just so nasty and unfriendly. I went home and cried instead.
Two weeks later I took the test again with a different instructor and I PASSED!
Don't worry, you'll get it next time.