Vex for NC45?


Well-known member
i usually wear it in the inner corner of the eye for a lil' pop. I even wore it all over my lid for a snow/ice princess kinda feel. shoot i'm about to pull it out now and play.


New member
I think the multi-colored flecks in Vex make it work really well with greens and blues. I normally wear it in the inner third, with a really bright colour over the rest of the lid.

I find that wearing Vex all over the lid makes me look a bit chalky.


Well-known member
I'm NW45 and used to use Vex as a highlighter....until I found out that its pink undertones made me look a bit crazy in the daytime. I definitely agree that it look looks chalky all over the lid so I reallllly don't know what to do with it.


Well-known member
I know! I stopped using it because all I ever did was highlight my brow, but it's sooo frosty bare. I was thinking maybe softly "wash" it over a matte color on the lid or something..? That might work to give it a little more dimension.


Well-known member
I like vex all over (lightly) with club in the crease. I always get alot of compliments on that combo.


New member
^^ I do the same combo


Well-known member
I always hear ladies mention satin taupe! If I have bronze or swiss choc/ cordoroy should i invest in satin taupe? and do u like twinks?? (i don't have that one either)


Well-known member
I like Vex with pinks and purples. Try starting it with a light application and building if needed/desired for the look you want.


Well-known member
ooo Vex is wonderful as a highlight on bright colors and even carbon too..i used it once with Juxt, Humid and another time with some purples...just remember that a little goes a long way with Vex because if you over do it it's gonna look chalky and chunky


Active member
Vex is really pretty as a subtle wash over Carbon...the effect is a Purplish Smokey Eye...very pretty indeed....also it works well as a inner corner highlight wth a matte color on the lid, just be light-handed....