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[ VIDEO TUTORIAL ] How to contour your face and look 10 lbs SKINNIER !


[ VIDEO TUTORIAL ] How to contour your face and look 10 lbs SKINNIER !

How many of you have had days where you just wish your face weren't so bloated? Well, I certainly do almost everyday. Contouring has been a necessity for me because of my face shape and it really dramatically transforms your face. Here is my preferred method to contour your face, cheeks and nose. It literally makes me look like I shed 10 lbs. So please, try it and tell me what you think below.

Products Used:

MAC 269 brush
MAC 219 brush
Coastal Scents C 108 flat bronzer brush
Stila #9 brush
NARS Laguna bronzer
Urban Decay Naked Palette in Buck
NYC Color Wheel Mosaic Face Powder


Well-known member
Thank you for this! I always find my face looks dirty when I try to contour but I'm going to try your technique!