Vids of the day Riley was born...


Well-known member
I was getting all nostalgic & found these (Dave's such a great camera-man
. Just wanted to share! I'll be there again soon enough, lol.

The morning of my induction (2.22.08)
YouTube - The morning of Riley's birth

Riley all cleaned up!
YouTube - Riley all cleaned up!

A few hours later: Being born is hard work!
YouTube - Riley: Being born is hard work!

M.A.C. head.

Well-known member

I've been trying to get over my baby fever and YOU ARE NOT HELPING!!! LOL

He's so cuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuute. I miss that. The pregnancy, the newness. Ahhhh, soon.


Well-known member
OMG how awesome that you have these videos. You guys are too adoarable and the first video had me cracking up ...Captain good looking lol ..hehe ahh see now I must budget and buy myself a digital camcorder before out baby arrives. Thank you so much for letting us peak at such an awesome occasion in your life.

Hugs ..these made me smile so much


Active member
AWW they grow soooo fast
They really do! Wait till he's 12 months and these videos will really make you nostalgic. Your son is a cutie and your SO a goof ball LOL
Your son is so alert in those videos, I think he looks similar to my daughter when she was born, isn't it funny how babies tend to look alike at that age! Congrats to you and your SO and I hope you get a healthy little girl this time around. She's gonna be pretty just like mama


Well-known member
Thank you for sharing, he is adorable. The two of you are so cute together in the first video.


Well-known member
Wow, totally brings me back to the day I had my little one, almost 3 years ago! Time flies. Your lil' guy is absolutely adorable!


Well-known member
Aww congrats girl! Isn't looking into your babies eyes for the first time the best feeling ever!! And props to you girl, in the first video, you look calm as hell. Good job mama!

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