View from my window..........


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I sypathize with you. Im from Montreal and we get wicked ass storms like that too.
Dont worry, it should be cleaned up soon...hopefully!


Well-known member
Eww snow eww.....makes me wanna move to LA! (I can live with earthquakes though!


Well-known member
This might sound incredibly bizarre, but I'm jealous. I'm a Northern girl and I'm in school in Florida. It's cold today, but only if the only warm things in your closet are sweatshirts. I miss snow. I miss the gentle way snowflakes float to the ground. I miss watching the television in my pjs waiting to see if school is cancelled. I miss the crunch of snow under my boots. I even miss (gasp!) shovelling snow - but only because it makes hot cocoa taste extra good.


Well-known member
i feel you girl

this is what i woke up too saturday morning

and this is what we drove in, on the way to st louis
it was scary

i thought us here in the midwest was going to get by the rest of winter snow free. boy was i wrong. its been snowing since saturday morning
i hate winter


Well-known member
yeah if i had my camera here i would share. IM stuck at my job still. i will be here till monday night. We got alot in Delaware too.


This might sound incredibly bizarre, but I'm jealous.

Me too! That weather is something that I'd love right about now. It's about 34 degrees celsius where I live so snow would be a very welcome change!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by sbetsy
This might sound incredibly bizarre, but I'm jealous. I'm a Northern girl and I'm in school in Florida. It's cold today, but only if the only warm things in your closet are sweatshirts. I miss snow. I miss the gentle way snowflakes float to the ground. I miss watching the television in my pjs waiting to see if school is cancelled. I miss the crunch of snow under my boots. I even miss (gasp!) shovelling snow - but only because it makes hot cocoa taste extra good.

I feel your pain! I've been in Nashville for around 12 years
and we only get a decent snow about every 5 years. I'm from Indianapolis and we always got tons of snow when I was growing up. As far as I'm concerned, cold without snow is a waste of my time lol!


Well-known member
i'm jealous of that weather as well! I love it here in california, but it would be nice to get at least a little bit of snow.
You know what my favorite part about snow is? How everything gets all quiet. Whenever it has snowed before and I've gone outside it's like the world just stops for a second and every sound is muffled and it's so pretty to just watch it fall.


Well-known member
to all you ladies who are pining for snow.. send me your address- lol I'd be happy to send you some (hopefully it'll help us get rid of ours!! lol)


Well-known member
what you DONT want to happen is for it to get so cold that it wont even snow. My hometown (where my parents still live) is included in a Manitoba-wide weather warning for temperatures dipping down to -55 celcius with the wind chill tonight. (uhhh I think thats something like -60 fahrenheit)


Well-known member
im so sick of snow...we get enough of it here in canada

and to those who are jealous...dont be...once you get a shit load to shovel and have back pains and frost bite...i reaaaaallly wish i lived in cali


Well-known member
Originally Posted by funKyVibeS*
im so sick of snow...we get enough of it here in canada

and to those who are jealous...dont be...once you get a shit load to shovel and have back pains and frost bite...i reaaaaallly wish i lived in cali

Oh yeah, I remember those days! The drifts would be taller than I was. Course I'm only 5'0" so I guess it ain't saying much
I don't even own a snow shovel now. Hard to believe but I welcome frostbite! Bring it on! It's better than this p*ss poor excuse of a winter down here! At least it would be something of a change


I'm about ready for winter to be over. I didn't make it into work today, as the highways going out of my city were all closed and I work out of town. It's nice to have a long weekend, but it hurts my paycheque! I feel guilty for not being able to go too! We've had incredibly strange weather lately--it poooouuuuurrrrred rain last night, and then flash-froze early this morning. Thanks to the rain, my basement flooded. NOT COOL!!! It ruined so much stuff, and I've been down there all day trying to clean up. My next house won't be a fixer-uper, it will be newer so I don't have to deal with these headaches!

Ms. Z

Well-known member
View from my window

Great, I din't know people did this here, I'll post mine soon.

Snowstorm Feb. 12, 2006


Well-known member
Originally Posted by VuittonVictim
Eww snow eww.....makes me wanna move to LA! (I can live with earthquakes though!

Ohhhhh you can have the earthquakes. I have lived in Cali my entire life and I still HATE earthquakes. I will take snow over those any day!!